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One of the government’s top priorities for telecommunications is the transition of services from the expiring Networx, WITS 3, and the Local Telecommunications Services (legacy) contracts to Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions.
The transition is an opportunity for agencies to modernize telecommunications and IT services — planning and executing an effective and efficient transition from the expiring contracts to EIS will help your agency avoid disruptions and added costs.
GSA updates the Networks Authorized User List [XLSX - 58 KB] of agencies authorized to use the expiring contracts (see Section H.2.3a and b of those contracts) as we enforce the eligibility condition for the extension of expiring contracts.
Use of the expiring contracts will be further restricted by the limitations process and the freeze on modifications and orders.
All agencies using expiring contracts must meet these critical dates to ensure services are transitioned to EIS or another contract vehicle without impact to mission operations:
Several local telecommunications contracts are set to expire before May 31, 2026, and will not be extended. Agencies with inventory on a contract ending before May 31, 2026 must transition services on the contract before the contract end date. To learn more about these contract expiration dates and how they may impact your services, visit the Networx, WITS, and Local Telecommunications section of our Legacy IT Contracts page.
We will manage the transition timeline and help agencies transition existing services to the replacement EIS contracts to ensure continuity of services.
Our dedicated team of solutions brokers can help navigate your agency’s telecom acquisition and execute task orders.
The Transition Coordination Center provides customer support, training, self-help tools, and templates to transition agencies. We can help you:
We maintain a transition inventory to capture expiring Networx, WITS 3, and Local Telecommunications Services contracts.
TI is a collection of agency data compiled at the Service Instance Record level. A SIR reflects a summarized roll-up of a current base service composed of legacy contract data for both active and disconnected services. We validate the TI monthly and update data to account for new records, disconnected services, and changes.
Authorized agency users can access the TI using the E-MORRIS application. Each agency needs to have at least one user with E-MORRIS access in order to manage the TI data. GSA recommends having multiple users with E-MORRIS accounts as backup. These users can access and download TI data, and view transition progress tracking statistics based on the AB Codes and AHCs identified during the registration process.
Each agency was expected to review and confirm the validated TI no later than October 31, 2016. The TI is used for tracking and reporting transition progress, so your agency should continue to monitor TI for accuracy and:
Transition Inventory user guide [PDF - 4 MB] [PDF - 4 MB]
Transition Inventory frequently asked questions [PDF - 245 KB] [PDF - 245 KB]
For questions about TI, contact
The All Agency Inventory extends current TI SIRs to a more detailed level. The data is based on active services only and does not include disconnects. AAI data includes Contract Line Item Numbers, Service Enabling Device CLINs, features, bandwidth, and other data elements not included in TI. AAI data can help agencies develop Fair Opportunity solicitations and subsequent service orders.
AAI uses business rules, technical specifications, and contract requirements to transform data received from contractor inventory, billing, and orders for expiring contracts into a common format, thereby reducing the need for individual agency data collection and saving time. Data is normalized using relationships and other attributes to reduce data redundancy and improve data integrity. Current contract data is mapped to primary and secondary EIS services, CLINs, Core Based Statistical Areas, and other contract components.
Contact your GSA solutions broker to discuss your agency’s FO requirements and request AAI from the TCC inventory team.
Our All Agency Inventory user guide [DOCX - 1 MB] explains the components of AAI, including data sources, available data fields, reports, the process to request AAI, and how to report issues.
The EIS Transition Progress Tracking Report [DOCX - 2 MB] [DOCX - 2 MB] provides a monthly status of transition progress from the expiring Networx, WITS 3, and Local Telecommunications Services contracts.
Transition is complete when:
As of 1/31/2025, there are 188 agencies that have completed transition including 6 large, 16 medium, and 166 small. Completed transitions can be searched below.
Agency category | AB code | Agency name | Transition complete |
Agency category | AB code | Agency name | Transition complete |
L | 3600 | Department of Veterans Affairs | 2024/11 |
L | 8000 | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | 2024/11 |
L | 7500 | Department of Health and Human Services | 2024/08 |
L | 1600 | Department of Labor | 2024/07 |
L | 1900 | Department of State | 2024/07 |
L | 2804 | Social Security Administration | 2024/07 |
M | 6800 | Environmental Protection Agency | 2024/09 |
M | 8600 | Department of Housing and Urban Development | 2024/07 |
M | 4900 | National Science Foundation | 2024/07 |
M | 6400 | Tennessee Valley Authority | 2024/06 |
M | 3100 | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | 2024/03 |
M | 2600 | Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board | 2023/11 |
M | 9100 | Department of Education | 2023/10 |
M | 5000 | Securities and Exchange Commission | 2023/07 |
M | 2700 | Federal Communications Commission | 2023/06 |
M | 9559 | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau | 2023/05 |
M | 6300 | National Labor Relations Board | 2023/02 |
M | 1606 | Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation | 2023/02 |
M | 9507 | Commodity Futures Trading Commission | 2022/12 |
M | 7200 | US Agency for International Development | 2022/03 |
M | 1100 | Executive Office of the President | 2021/07 |
M | 5100 | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation | 2021/05 |
S | 1915 | International Boundary and Water Commission US and Mexico | 2025/01 |
S | 9558 | Federal Home Loan Bank | 2024/11 |
S | 9514 | Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission | 2024/11 |
S | 6500 | Federal Maritime Commission | 2024/09 |
S | NB12 | Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe - Minnesota Chippewa Tribe (NB12) | 2024/09 |
S | 4100 | Merit Systems Protection Board | 2024/08 |
S | NAVN | Navajo Nation (NAVN) | 2024/08 |
S | SPOK | Spokane Tribe of Indians (SPOK) | 2024/08 |
S | 9539 | US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims | 2024/08 |
S | 9530 | Us Institute of Peace | 2024/08 |
S | 9955 | D.C. Housing Authority | 2024/07 |
S | 9951 | D.C. Water | 2024/07 |
S | 9504 | Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission | 2024/07 |
S | 0078 | Federal Reserve System | 2024/07 |
S | NC32 | Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (NC32) | 2024/07 |
S | 2500 | National Credit Union Administration | 2024/07 |
S | 3321 | National Gallery of Art | 2024/07 |
S | 3300 | Smithsonian Institution | 2024/07 |
S | 9553 | Advisory Council on Historic Preservation | 2024/06 |
S | 9518 | Committee for Purchase from People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled | 2024/06 |
S | 6100 | Consumer Product Safety Commission | 2024/05 |
S | 8400 | Armed Forces Retirement Home | 2024/05 |
S | 1019 | US Supreme Court | 2024/05 |
S | 9550 | Chemical Safety Board | 2024/05 |
S | 9564 | Public Defender Service for District of Columbia | 2024/05 |
S | 6914 | Surface Transportation Board | 2024/05 |
S | 0100 | Architect of the Capitol | 2024/04 |
S | 9562 | Election Assistance Commission | 2024/04 |
S | 1017 | US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit | 2024/03 |
S | 9538 | Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board | 2024/02 |
S | 0087 | Miscellaneous Non-Government Accounts | 2024/02 |
S | 3358 | Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars | 2024/02 |
S | 0005 | House of Representatives | 2024/01 |
S | 4838 | Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission | 2023/10 |
S | AB01 | Agency AB | 2023/09 |
S | 9567 | Denali Commission | 2023/09 |
S | 3400 | International Trade Commission | 2023/09 |
S | 0019 | Senate | 2023/09 |
S | 9527 | US Holocaust Memorial Council | 2023/09 |
S | 4813 | Interagency Council for the Homeless | 2023/08 |
S | 1106 | Inter-American Foundation | 2023/08 |
S | 9522 | Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board | 2023/07 |
S | 9520 | Commission on Fine Arts | 2023/07 |
S | 9508 | National Transportation Safety Board | 2023/07 |
S | 1831 | Postal Regulatory Commission | 2023/07 |
S | 9583 | Council of the Inspector General on Integrity and Efficiency | 2023/06 |
S | 8300 | Export-Import Bank of the United States | 2023/06 |
S | 9580 | Federal Housing Finance Agency OIG | 2023/05 |
S | 5400 | Federal Labor Relations Authority | 2023/05 |
S | 9563 | Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (D.C.) | 2023/04 |
S | 2900 | Federal Trade Commission | 2023/04 |
S | 9502 | National Capital Planning Commission | 2023/04 |
S | 7400 | American Battle Monuments Commission | 2023/03 |
S | 4810 | Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board | 2023/03 |
S | 1113 | Peace Corps | 2023/03 |
S | 9529 | National Council on Disability | 2023/02 |
S | 4951 | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | 2023/02 |
S | 9524 | National Mediation Board | 2022/11 |
S | 9582 | Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board | 2022/11 |
S | 5904 | Institute of Museum and Library Services | 2022/10 |
S | 0400 | Government Publishing Office | 2022/09 |
S | 9300 | Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service | 2022/08 |
S | 9000 | Selective Service System | 2022/06 |
S | 7100 | US International Development Finance Corporation | 2022/05 |
S | NA40 | Confederated Salish and Kootenai (NA40) | 2022/04 |
S | 9515 | Administrative Conference of the United States | 2022/04 |
S | 0300 | Library of Congress | 2022/04 |
S | 9577 | Millennium Challenge Corporation | 2022/04 |
S | 6200 | US Office of Special Counsel | 2022/03 |
S | 4853 | Medicare Payment Advisory Commission | 2022/02 |
S | 0091 | United Nations World Food Program | 2022/01 |
S | 0915 | Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission | 2021/12 |
S | NA07 | Oneida Nation Tribe of Indians (NA07) | 2021/10 |
S | 0073 | Army and Air Force Exchange Service | 2021/10 |
S | 9512 | Japan-United States Friendship Commission | 2021/10 |
S | 0090 | Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission | 2021/10 |
S | 0054 | Inter-American Development Bank | 2021/09 |
S | 5902 | National Endowment for the Arts | 2021/09 |
S | 5901 | National Endowment for the Humanities | 2021/08 |
S | 0067 | United Nations | 2021/08 |
S | 0052 | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | 2021/06 |
S | 9511 | Federal Housing Finance Agency | 2021/05 |
S | 9588 | Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council | 2021/05 |
S | 4892 | US China Security Review Commission | 2021/05 |
S | 1148 | US Trade and Development Agency | 2021/05 |
S | 9537 | Commission for the Preservation of Americas Heritage Abroad | 2021/04 |
S | 9540 | Neighborworks America | 2021/04 |
S | 6908 | AMTRAK | 2021/01 |
S | 4602 | Appalachian Regional Commission | 2021/01 |
S | 1294 | Milk Marketing Association | 2021/01 |
S | 0065 | Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation | 2021/01 |
S | 9549 | Morris K Udall and Stewart L Udall Foundation | 2020/12 |
S | 9542 | Office of Government Ethics | 2020/12 |
S | 0084 | National Building Museum | 2020/09 |
S | 4952 | National Center for Atmospheric Research | 2020/09 |
S | 3312 | John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts | 2020/08 |
S | 0814 | Congressional Budget Office | 2019/12 |
S | 1917 | International Boundary Commission US and Canada | 2019/09 |
S | 4953 | US Arctic Research Commission | 2019/08 |
S | 0064 | Pan American Health Organization | 2019/04 |
S | 4883 | Dwight D Eisenhower Memorial Commission | 2019/03 |
S | 9533 | Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence In Education Foundation | 2019/02 |
S | 5600 | Central Intelligence Agency | 2017/11 |
S | 9574 | Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance | 2017/10 |
S | 7618 | Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation | 2017/09 |
S | 4895 | Commission for International Religious Freedom | 2017/07 |
S | 9551 | Director of National Intelligence | 2016/11 |
S | 9565 | Federal Coordinator Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects | 2016/11 |
S | 1252 | Graduate School USA | 2016/11 |
S | 9561 | Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board | 2016/11 |
S | WYAN | Wyandotte Nation of Oklahoma (WYAN) | 2022/10 |
S | NA23 | Alaska Native Tribal Health CO (NA23) | 2022/09 |
S | NC05 | Sault STE Marie Tribe (NC05) | 2022/09 |
S | NC13 | Stockbridge-Munsee Community (NC13) | 2022/09 |
S | NA59 | Augustine Tribal Enterprise (NA59) | 2022/05 |
S | NA02 | Shoshone-Paiute Tribe (NA02) | 2022/03 |
S | NC10 | Ponca Tribe of Nebraska (NC10) | 2022/02 |
S | NB20 | Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (NB20) | 2022/02 |
S | NA13 | Dine College (NA13) | 2022/01 |
S | NA54 | Washoe Tribal Health (NA54) | 2021/12 |
S | NC09 | Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska (NC09) | 2021/12 |
S | NAJE | Jemez Pueblo Tribe (NAJE) | 2021/10 |
S | NA35 | Alabama Coushatta Tribe (NA35) | 2021/09 |
S | NA-B | Bois Forte Tribal Reservation (NA-B) | 2021/09 |
S | NA46 | Coeur Dalene Tribe (NA46) | 2021/09 |
S | NB10 | Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians (NB10) | 2021/09 |
S | NB11 | Delaware Nation of Western Oklahoma (NB11) | 2021/09 |
S | NASO | South Central Foundation (NASO) | 2021/09 |
S | NA19 | Benewah Medical Clinic (NA19) | 2021/08 |
S | NC25 | Shakopee Sioux - Mystic Lake (NC25) | 2021/07 |
S | NC33 | Sisseton Wahpeton College (NC33) | 2021/07 |
S | 2809 | Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska-Ho-Chunk Inc (2809) | 2021/06 |
S | 2811 | Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska-Ho-Chunk Inc (2811) | 2021/06 |
S | NB09 | Yavapai-Prescott Tribe of the Yavapai Reservation Arizona (NB09) | 2021/04 |
S | NA48 | Zuni Tribe (NA48) | 2021/03 |
S | 1158 | Morongo Band of Cahuilla Indians (1158) | 2021/02 |
S | NA32 | Colusa Indian Community (NA32) | 2021/02 |
S | NATA | Tanana Chief Tribe (NATA) | 2021/02 |
S | NA41 | Central Council Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (NA41) | 2021/01 |
S | NA05 | Chief Leschi Schools (NA05) | 2021/01 |
S | NC02 | Navajo Tribal Utilities Authority (NC02) | 2021/01 |
S | NB18 | Hoopa Valley Tribe of California (NB18) | 2020/12 |
S | NB16 | Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians (NB16) | 2020/12 |
S | NA29 | Squaxin Island Tribe (NA29) | 2020/12 |
S | NC21 | Ute Mountain Tribe (NC21) | 2020/12 |
S | NA47 | Guidiville Rancherio (NA47) | 2020/11 |
S | NA61 | Havasupai Tribe (NA61) | 2020/11 |
S | NAK0 | Karuk Tribe of California (NAK0) | 2020/11 |
S | NA37 | Kickapoo Tribe (NA37) | 2020/11 |
S | NA42 | Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island (NA42) | 2020/11 |
S | NC08 | Rosebud Sioux Tribe (NC08) | 2020/11 |
S | NA49 | Shawnee Tribe (NA49) | 2020/11 |
S | NA44 | White Eagle Health Center (NA44) | 2020/11 |
S | NA69 | White Mountain Apache Telecom (NA69) | 2020/11 |
S | GRLA | Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GRLA) | 2020/10 |
S | NA14 | Penobscot Indian Nation (NA14) | 2020/10 |
S | NA33 | Mechoopda Indian Tribe (NA33) | 2020/08 |
S | NA57 | Yurok Tribe (NA57) | 2020/08 |
S | NA03 | Confederated Tribes of the Grande Ronde Community Of Oregon (NA03) | 2020/02 |
S | NAS0 | Stillaguamish Tribe (NAS0) | 2020/02 |
S | GLIF | Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife (GLIF) | 2019/12 |
S | NAS1 | Stillaguamish Tribe (NAS1) | 2019/06 |
S | NAS2 | Stillaguamish Tribe (NAS2) | 2019/05 |
S | NC06 | Mohican North Star Operations (NC06) | 2018/05 |
S | NC12 | Muckleshoot Indian (NC12) | 2018/05 |
S | NA56 | United South and Eastern Tribes (NA56) | 2017/06 |
Data reported as of 01/31/2025
Hours for live chat and calls:
Sun 8 p.m. to Fri 8:30 p.m. Central time
Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.
No results could be found for the location you've entered.
Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories and possessions are set by the Department of Defense.
Rates for foreign countries are set by the Department of State.
Rates are available between 10/1/2022 and 09/30/2025.
The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.
Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.
Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."
Per diem localities with county definitions shall include"all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."
When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.
An SBA program that helps provide a level playing field for small businesses owned by socially and economically disadvantaged people or entities that meet the following eligibility requirements:
See Title 13 Part 124 of the Code of Federal Regulations for more information.
From 5 USC 5701(6), "continental United States" means the several states and the District of Columbia, but does not include Alaska or Hawaii.
A multiple-award IDIQ governmentwide acquisition contract offering complete and flexible IT solutions worldwide. A best-in-class GWAC and preferred governmentwide solution, Alliant 2 offers:
It provides best-value IT solutions to federal agencies, while strengthening chances in federal contracting for small businesses through subcontracting.
A dedicated, flexible fuel, or dual-fuel vehicle designed to operate on at least one alternative fuel.
An investment in our nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness. The law provides funding for LPOE modernization projects that will create new good-paying jobs, bolster safety and security, and make our economy more resilient to supply chain challenges.
An agreement established by a government buyer with a Multiple Award Schedule contractor to fill repetitive needs for supplies or services.
Types of funds to use on specific expenses.
The work done to make a structure or system ready for use or to bring a construction or development project to a completed state.
Negotiated firm-fixed pricing on airline seats for official government travel. The locked-in ticket prices for the fiscal year save federal agencies time and money. Federal employees enjoy flexibility to change their plans without incurring penalties or additional costs. All negotiated rates have:
Use the CPP search tool to find current fares.
A space where individuals work independently or co-work collaboratively in a shared office. The work environment is similar to a typical office, usually inclusive of office equipment and amenities. Typical features of co-working facilities include work spaces, wireless internet, communal printer/copier/fax, shared kitchens, restrooms and open seating areas. May also be referred to as a “shared office.”
A system that is bought from a commercial vendor to solve a particular problem, as opposed to one that a vendor custom builds.
An employee who negotiates and awards contracts with vendors and who has the sole authority to change, alter or modify a contract.
An employee whose duties are to develop proper requirements and ensure contractors meet the commitments during contract administration, including the timeliness and delivery of quality goods and services as required by the contract.
A request of GSA where a federal agency retains and manages all aspects of the procurement process and is able to work with the selected vendor after award.
The process of handling real property that is surplus to the federal government’s needs. Federal law mandates the disposal process, which has these major steps (although not every property goes through every step):
An SBA program that gives preferential consideration for certain government contracts to businesses that meet the following eligibility requirements:
See Title 13 Part 127 Subpart B of the Code of Federal Regulations for more information.
A vehicle that is powered by an electric motor drawing current from rechargeable storage batteries or other portable electrical energy storage devices, as defined by 10 C.F.R. § 474.2. It includes a battery electric vehicle, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, a fuel-cell electric vehicle, etc.
Also called electric vehicle chargers, this includes EV charge cords, charge stands, attachment plugs, vehicle connectors, and protection, which provide for the safe transfer of energy between the electric utility power and the electric vehicle.
The primary regulation for federal agencies to use when buying supplies and services with funds from Congress.
Use to browse FAR parts or subparts or download the full FAR in various formats.
The travel and relocation policy for all federal civilian employees and others authorized to travel at government expense.
A program that promotes the adoption of secure cloud services across the federal government by providing a standardized approach to security and risk assessment.
A GSA business line that provides safe, reliable, low-cost vehicle solutions for federal agency customers and eligible entities. Offerings include:
A charge card for U.S. government personnel to use when paying for fuel and maintenance of GSA Fleet vehicles. Find out where the Fleet card is accepted, how to use it and more.
A Department of Homeland Security program that allows members to use expedited lanes at U.S. airports and when crossing international borders by air, land and sea.
A charge card for certain U.S. Government employees to use when buying mission-related supplies or services using simplified acquisition procedures, when applicable, and when the total cost does not exceed micro-purchase thresholds.
A charge card for U.S. government personnel to use when paying for reimbursable expenses while on official travel. Visit for more.
A vehicle used to perform an agency’s mission(s), as authorized by the agency.
A pre-competed, multiple-award, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract that agencies can use to buy total IT solutions more efficiently and economically.
A ceremony marking the official start of a new construction project, typically involving driving shovels into ground at the site.
An online shopping and ordering system at that provides access for federal government employees and in some cases, state and local entities, to purchase from thousands of contractors offering millions of supplies and services.
An online auction site at that allows the general public to bid on and buy excess federal personal property assets such as:
Real property for which GSA is responsible. It can be either federally owned or leased from a public or private property owner.
An SBA program that gives preferential consideration for certain government contracts to business that meet the following eligibility requirements:
See Title 13 Part 126 Subpart B of the Code of Federal Regulations for more information.
A type of contract when the quantity of supplies or services, above a specified minimum, the government will require is not known. IDIQs help streamline the contract process and speed service delivery.
A fee paid by businesses who are awarded contracts under Multiple Award Schedule to cover GSA’s cost of operating the program. The fee is a fixed percentage of reported sales under MAS contracts that contractors pay within 30 calendar days following the completion of each quarter.
A law that provides $3.375 billion for us to:
This includes $2.15 billion for low embodied carbon materials in construction projects, $975 million to support emerging and sustainable technologies, and $250 million for measures to convert more buildings into High Performance Green Buildings.
A written agreement entered into between two federal agencies, or major organizational units within an agency, which specifies the goods to be furnished or tasks to be accomplished by one agency (the servicing agency) in support of the other (the requesting agency).
A facility, also known as a border station, that provides controlled entry into or departure from the United States for persons or materials. It houses the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and other federal inspection agencies responsible for the enforcement of federal laws related to entering into or departing from the U.S.
An employee who is responsible for preparing, negotiating, awarding and monitoring compliance of lease agreements.
Criteria used to select the technically acceptable proposal with the lowest evaluated price. Solicitations must specify that award will be made on the basis of the lowest evaluated price of proposals meeting or exceeding the acceptability standards for non-cost factors.
The rate of reimbursement for driving a privately owned vehicle when your agency authorizes it. Current rates are at
Long-term governmentwide contracts with commercial firms providing federal, state, and local government buyers access to more than 11 million commercial products and services at volume discount pricing. Also called Schedules or Federal Supply Schedules.
The standard federal agencies use to classify business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
A family of seven separate governmentwide multiple award, IDIQ contracts for program management, management consulting, logistics, engineering, scientific and financial services.
A formal, signed agreement between GSA’s Public Buildings Service and a federal agency for a specific space assignment.
Services performed under a contract with a federal agency that include:
Official verification of someone’s origin, identity, and nationality. A U.S. passport is required of U.S. citizens for international travel and reentry into the United States. There are three types of passports: diplomatic, official, and regular. A government official may have at the same time a valid regular passport and a valid official or diplomatic passport. Use GSA Form 2083 to begin a request for an official passport.
The per day rates for the lower 48 continental United States, which federal employees are reimbursed for expenses incurred while on official travel. Per diem includes three allowances:
An identification card that allows credentialed government personal to access facilities, computers, or information systems. May also be referred to as HSPD-12 card, LincPass, Smart Card, or CAC.
Furniture and equipment such as appliances, wall hangings, technological devices, and the relocation expenses for such property.
Information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, either alone or when combined with other information that is linked or linkable to a specific individual. Get more info from OMB Circular A-130 [PDF].
You should only drive a privately owned vehicle for official travel after your agency evaluates the use of:
When your agency has determined a POV to be the most advantageous method of transportation, you are authorized reimbursement for mileage and some additional allowances (parking, bridge, road and tunnel fees, etc.).
Approvals from GSA’s congressional authorizing committees, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, for proposed capital and leasing projects that require funding over an annually established threshold.
Region 1 (New England): Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Region 2 (Northeast and Caribbean): Northern New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands
Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic): Delaware, parts of Maryland, Southern New Jersey, Pennsylvania, parts of Virginia, West Virginia
Region 4 (Southeast Sunbelt): Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee
Region 5 (Great Lakes): Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin
Region 6 (Heartland): Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska
Region 7 (Greater Southwest): Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
Region 8 (Rocky Mountain): Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming
Region 9 (Pacific Rim): Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada
Region 10 (Northwest Arctic): Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
Region 11 (National Capital): Washington, D.C., area including parts of Maryland and Virginia
Formal agreements between GSA and a federal agency customer where GSA agrees to provide goods, services, or both, and the federal agency agrees to reimburse GSA’s direct and indirect costs. The customer portal for RWA information is called eRETA at
A document used in negotiated procurements to communicate government requirements to prospective contractors (firms holding Multiple Award Schedule contracts) and to solicit proposals (offers) from them.
A document used to communicate government requirements, but which do not solicit binding offers. Quotations submitted in response are not offers. The Multiple Award Schedule order is the offer, and then the contractor can do something to show acceptance, like ordering supplies or contacting subcontractors.
Long-term governmentwide contracts with commercial firms providing federal, state, and local government buyers access to more than 11 million commercial products and services at volume discount pricing. Also called Multiple Award Schedule or Federal Supply Schedules.
An SBA program that gives preferential consideration for certain government contracts to businesses that meet the following eligibility requirements:
See Title 13 Part 125 Subpart B of the Code of Federal Regulations for more information.
An SBA designation for businesses that meet size standards set for each NAICS code. Most manufacturing companies with 500 employees or fewer, and most non-manufacturing businesses with average annual receipts under $7.5 million, will qualify as a small business.
See Title 13 Part 121.201 of the Code of Federal Regulations for more information.
To improve and stimulate small business utilization, we award contracts to businesses that are owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. We have contracting assistance for:
A Small Business Administration program that gives preferential consideration for certain government contracts to business that meet the following eligibility requirements:
See Title 13 Section 124.1001 of the Code of Federal Regulations for more information.
The basis for the lease negotiation process, which becomes part of the lease. SFOs include the information necessary to enable prospective offerors to prepare proposals. See SFO minimum requirements.
Specific supply and service subcategories within our Multiple Award Schedule. For the Information Technology Category, a SIN might be new equipment or cloud services.
A national policy committing to create and maintain conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.
An online system at, which the U.S. Government uses to consolidate acquisition and award systems for use by contractors wishing to do business with the federal government. Formerly known as, all contracting opportunities valued over $25,000 are posted at
When you use a government purchase card, such as the "GSA SmartPay" travel card for business travel, your lodging and rental car costs may be exempt from state sales tax. Individually billed account travel cards are not tax exempt in all states. Search for exemption status, forms and important information.
The finishes and fixtures federal agency tenants select that take a space from a shell condition to a finished, usable condition and compliant with all applicable building codes and standards.
A statute that applies to all Multiple Award Schedule contracts, unless otherwise stated in the solicitation or contract, which requires contractors to sell to the U.S. Government only products that are manufactured or “substantially transformed” in the U.S. or a TAA-designated country.
An option for vendors to report transactional data — information generated when the government purchases goods or services from a vendor — to help us make federal government buying more effective.
See our TDR page for which SINs are eligible and which line-item data to submit.
A unique number required to do business with the federal government.
An indicator of how efficiently a federal agency is currently using space, it is traditionally calculated by dividing the usable square feet of the space, by the number of personnel who occupy the space.
A Small Business Administration program that gives preferential consideration for certain government contracts to businesses that meet the following eligibility requirements:
A governmentwide acquisition contract exclusively for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses to sell IT services such as:
The amount of solid waste, such as trash or garbage, construction and demolition waste, and hazardous waste, that is reused, recycled or composted instead of being put in a landfill or burned.
A GSA program designed to promote recycling and reuse of solid waste.
A Small Business Administration program that gives preferential consideration for certain government contracts to businesses that meet the following eligibility requirements:
See Title 13 Part 127 Subpart B of the Code of Federal Regulations for more information.
Vehicles that, when operating, produce zero tailpipe exhaust emissions of any criteria pollutant (or precursor pollutant) or greenhouse gas. These include battery and fuel cell electric vehicles, as well as plug-in hybrid vehicles that are capable of operating on gas and electricity. They also may be called all-electric vehicles.