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Develop and issue task order solicitation

Solicitation considerations

The OCO must consider the Task Order Solicitation Template (link provided below) and must create the task order solicitation within eBuy, consistent with FAR 16.505 ordering procedures. In addition to the information required by FAR 16.505(a)(7), the following information is required to be provided within eBuy:

  • OASIS+ Contract Program
  • OASIS+ Domain and Master Contract CLIN/NAICS Code
  • DPA Acknowledgement
  • Title
  • Solicitation Number from Solicitation Standard Form (Reference #/uPIID)
  • Description (Include a detailed description of services required, and any evaluation criteria.)
  • Solicitation Closing Date and Time
  • Delivery (Number of days After Receipt of Order (ARO))
  • Period of Performance
  • Attach Documents
  • Solicitation
  • Task Order Contract Line Items (optional in eBuy, but must be included in the Solicitation Document)
  • Shipping Address (automatically populated with Ordering Activity’s information)
  • Primary Type of Contract*
  • Primary Type of Services (Non-Commercial or Commercial)*
  • Acknowledgement that Limitations on Subcontracting are included at task order level*
  • Award Method*
  • Total Estimated Contract Value*
  • Place of Performance*

*Forthcoming updates to eBuy will require input of this information

Task Order Solicitation Template

Upon filling out the following template, delete all instructional information in blue and any sections that do not apply. Also, this template format is not mandatory; however, the minimum information herein is necessary for a proper solicitation under OASIS+.

Download Task Order Solicitation Template [Word, 4 pages]

Find sample documents

Sample documents and templates are available via search through the links below. Currently, we do not have any templates or samples specific to OASIS+. We will expand the list to include OASIS+-specific templates and samples in the future; check Interact for details.

Review solicitation requirements and considerations

Prohibitions. It is not allowable to solicit the same requirement under two different IDIQs (e.g. issuing a solicitation to OASIS+ UR and OASIS+ WOSB concurrently). Refer to statute 41 USC 3302 (c)(2)(A), which includes the requirement of fair notice with the intent to make the purchase. Additionally, if an OCO solicits from two separate IDIQs, then there is a violation of statute because each Domain under an OASIS+ IDIQ is independent from a Domain under another IDIQ. See also Prohibitions - Prohibited actions against or under OASIS+ contracts.

Pricing and price list requests. OASIS+ has limited pricing (on 20 labor categories) that applies only to noncompetitive/direct award/sole source awards for Time and Materials (T&M) and Labor Hour orders only. The ceiling rates will be available to OCOs/Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) holders upon request These rates are not shareable, but may be included in the OCO contract file. Negotiations are always highly encouraged on any government procurement, including OASIS+, including negotiations of pricing. OCOs are required to prove pricing fair and reasonable at the task order level.

“Fair opportunity” notification requirement. Use of eBuy to broadcast the solicitation notice to all qualifying contract holders, under one contract vehicle, within one given Domain and CLIN (NAICS code) satisfies the “fair opportunity” notification requirement. For classified requirements, see Classified task order considerations.

Contractors in dormant status. The OASIS+ master contract(s) terms and conditions provide for contracts to be placed in dormant status, see OASIS+ contract section H.12 Dormant Status. While a contract is in dormant status, contractors are required to continue work on existing task orders, but are not eligible to compete for new task order awards under the contract that is in Dormant Status.

Off-ramping contractors or working with contractors in dormant status

After a contract has been developed and issued, it is important to review who’s bidding on your contract; some contractors may be off-ramped or in dormant status, in which case they are not eligible to participate in your solicitation.

OASIS+ Off-Ramping

GSA reserves the unilateral right to off-ramp non-performing contractors. Off-ramping methods may result from conditions such as:

  • Debarment, suspension, or ineligibility as defined in FAR subpart 9.4;
  • Termination as defined in FAR part 49;
  • Failure to meet the standards of performance, deliverables, or compliances;
  • Failure to accept or conform to program-wide terms and/or conditions; and/or
  • Taking any other action which may not be permitted under the master contract’s terms and conditions.

The OASIS+ CO may off-ramp the contractor by not exercising the option, terminating the contract, or canceling the contract. Contract cancellation may occur at any time and for any reason by either the OASIS+ contractor or the government.

Contractors in Dormant Status

If the OASIS+ CO determines that any requirements of the OASIS+ contracts are not being met, the Contractor may be placed into Dormant (inactive) Status. Dormant Status may be activated for any OASIS+ Domain CLIN(s) that a Contractor has been awarded.

If Dormant Status is activated, the Contractor shall not be eligible to participate or compete in any subsequent task order solicitations for any Dormant CLIN(s) while the Contractor is in Dormant Status. However, the Contractor shall continue performance on previously awarded task orders and modifications of those active task orders, including the exercise of options and modifications at the task order level. Additionally, the Contractor remains eligible to accept a logical follow-on to an order previously issued under the Master Contract on a sole-source basis in the interest of economy and efficiency provided that all awardees were given a fair opportunity to be considered for the original order (FAR 16.505(b)(2)(i)(C)). The Contractor must comply with the terms and conditions of the Master Contract and ensure Sections F and G deliverables are received/completed timely.

Dormant status is not a Debarment, Suspension, Cancellation as defined in GSAM/R 552.242-99, or Ineligibility as defined in FAR subpart 9.4 or a Termination as defined in FAR part 49. Grounds for being placed in Dormant Status specifically include, but are not limited to, trends or patterns of behavior associated with the failure to meet the deliverables and compliances specified under Section F.4.

Dormant Status will only be imposed after careful consideration of the situation and collaboration with the Contractor to resolve the issues. The OASIS contracts include Dormant Status details.

Last updated: January 02, 2025