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Obtain a Delegation of Procurement Authority

OASIS+ DPA training registration is now open.

Visit the Events and Training page to review training dates and secure your spot.

A delegation of procurement authority (DPA) is a written authority to issue an order under the master contract; it clearly outlines the roles and responsibilities between the GSA OASIS+ contracting officer and the ordering contracting officer. The first requirement to solicit, evaluate, and award task orders under OASIS+ is that the Contracting Officer (CO) must obtain a DPA to become a “delegated” OCO.

When is a DPA required?

You need a DPA:

  • If you are a contracting officer (CO) who plans to solicit, evaluate, award, and modify task orders against the OASIS+ contracts.

Obtaining a DPA is the first requirement a CO must meet to solicit, evaluate, award, and modify task orders under OASIS+. A CO must obtain a DPA from an OASIS+ CO to become a “delegated” OCO. The task order OCO is the sole and exclusive government official with authority to solicit, evaluate, award, administer, and/or modify a task order under the master contract.

A DPA is not required to conduct market research into the OASIS+ program or to use eBuy to conduct market research, which includes issuing RFIs. DPA training is encouraged for any staff (Program Manager, Contract Specialist, Finance, Interns, etc.) interested in and/or administering an OASIS+ requirement. The training is required for any staff to post a solicitation in eBuy; however, only a warranted Contracting Officer may obtain the DPA. The dates of upcoming DPA training sessions are available on the OASIS+ website
NOTE: Contract Specialists and other acquisition personnel are highly encouraged to take the DPA training course.

To obtain an OASIS+ DPA, a CO must:

  1. Be a warranted Contracting Officer as defined in FAR 2.101 Definitions; and
  2. Attend OASIS+ DPA training; and
  3. Formally apply for the DPA via the OASIS+ Website

You do not need a DPA:

  • To conduct market research into the OASIS+ program or to use the task order solicitation system (eBuy) to conduct market research, which includes issuing RFIs.

  • If you are an OASIS+ Contract Section G.2.2.1 Ordering Contracting Officer, Contractor employee*.

*In accordance with OASIS+ Contract Section G.2.2.1 Ordering Contracting Officer, Contractor employees are authorized under FAR subpart 51.1 Contractor Use of Government Supply Sources to use OASIS+ and are considered OCOs and are not required to obtain a DPA as their authority is granted to them by a Federal Government CO administering an applicable contract (e.g., a Federally Funded Research and Development Center or FFRDC). In order to authorize a Contractor employee under FAR subpart 51.1 to use OASIS+, the Federal Government CO granting authority shall first obtain an OASIS+ DPA.

How do you get a DPA?

To obtain an OASIS+ DPA, a warranted CO (appointed according to FAR 1.603) or an official authorized to obligate funds for the agency must:

  1. Be a warranted Contracting Officer as defined in FAR 2.101 Definitions.

  2. Attend a DPA training.

    DPA training has been developed and registration is open: visit our Events and Training page to register for upcoming virtual trainings. Ongoing training will be continuously available in live-virtual and in-person formats; we will also have on-demand training available in the future.

    Visit the OASIS+ Interact Community for related program updates.

  3. Review the corresponding Delegation of Procurement Authority Ordering Guide for OASIS+.

  4. Submit documentation.

    Provide the CO warrant number and DPA training completion certificate to OASIS+ DPA training at

  5. Request a DPA.

    Fill out and submit the DPA Request Form. GSA will review your request, and you will receive a confirmation of the DPA via email within two business days. If you get a warrant after receiving training, you can request a DPA by emailing

    Note: DPA requestors must provide a .gov or .mil email address. If you do not have a .gov or .mil work email address, please contact the OASIS+ Contracting Officer at for assistance in requesting a DPA.

You have a DPA, now what?

Once a CO receives a DPA, the individual is officially identified as an OCO. An OCO has the authority to award, administer, and modify task orders against the OASIS+ contracts. COs that do not have DPAs may not award task orders under OASIS+.

DPAs are issued to individuals; not to agencies. DPAs may be revoked at the discretion of the OASIS+ Contracting Officer(s). There is no limit on DPAs issued per agency, and individuals may repeat DPA training as often as they prefer.

Support developing solicitations

We’re here to help you properly navigate the OASIS+ contract vehicle by providing complimentary scope reviews of your requirement. Below are additional resources to aid in that process:

Last updated: January 02, 2025