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Make changes to your contract


This section provides guidance on how to manage your contract to help your firm stay compliant with OASIS+ program requirements. To contact OASIS+ to make changes to your contract, you must use the methods below:

  • FedConnect will be the primary method for requesting and initiating modifications.
  • Contractor deliverables must be submitted via FedConnect, OSP,, and/or SRP as outlined within Sections F and G of the OASIS+ master contract (coming soon).

What types of changes are contract modifications?

At this time, all changes to your contract require a contract modification. We have included some examples below, but this list is not inclusive of every type of change. This may change in the future – watch this page and OASIS+ Interact Community for updates.

Examples of changes that are contract modifications:

  • Novation documentation
  • Change-of-Name Agreement
  • Corporate Address Change
  • Update Authorized Negotiation/Signor
  • COCM and COPM updates

Note: Right now, it is not possible to request a domain enhancement. Please continue to check Interact for updates on this process.

How do I submit a contract modification?

When requesting modifications or submitting changes or any other updates to your contract information, please submit your modification request and all necessary documentation via FedConnect.

FedConnect allows for bi-directional communication between the government and contractors and is tracked automatically. Please be aware, when requesting a modification via FedConnect there is a file size limit of 25 MB per individual file, or 100 MB per response or message. For more information about FedConnect, please review the FedConnect support page and if you have any additional questions, email

How do I request novations?

Once all documentation has been gathered, a novation must be requested through Fedconnect.

Note: You cannot currently request novations. We are currently developing name change and novation checklists that provide guidance on requesting a novation under your OASIS+ contract.

Have a question about making changes to your contract?

  • Review the questions from the latest OASIS+ Industry Webinar (coming soon)
  • Reach out to the OASIS+ contracting team via email at:

NOTE: Please use the designated email address above when contacting OASIS+ rather than using individual team members email accounts. This ensures your requests and questions are properly and quickly routed for assistance at all times.

Last updated: January 02, 2025