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Region One Hosts Successful Small Business Matchmaking Event

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On March 24, the Region One Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) hosted a virtual Women Owned Small Business (WOSB) Matchmaking event as part of Women’s History Month. Associate Administrator for the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Exodie C. Roe III opened the event stating, “Women have achieved greatness in every field imaginable from business, science, math, technology, law, and politics among many other fields illuminating them as trailblazers. These accomplishments are evident by the powerful women entrepreneurs in our virtual audience today. Your work is paving the way for the next generation of women entrepreneurs and leaders.” Region One Acting Regional Commissioner, Glenn Rotondo, followed by providing welcoming remarks and thanking the attendees for their participation, support of OSDBU and WOSB efforts.

The mission of OSDBU is to promote increased access to GSA’s nationwide procurement opportunities. The Region One OSDBU goal is to connect, educate, and advocate for small businesses hailing from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine.

The event allowed six Women Owned Small businesses the opportunity to present their skills and experience to three regional prime contractors during one-on-one vendor breakout meetings. This allowed time for the WOSB’s to discuss potential subcontracting opportunities in real time followed by a question and answer session.

Prime Contractors Represented:

J & J Contractors
KMK Construction
Colt’s Manufacturing Company LLC

Women Owned Small Businesses Represented:

US Eco Products Corporation
Syms Technology INC
American Moving & INstallation INC
International Marketing & Installation INC
L.J.V. Development LLC
Caso Global Corporation

Region One awarded $40 million to small businesses in fiscal year 2020 with $10.5 million of that going to WOSB. Region One hosts events throughout the year in order to provide networking, training, forums, and workshops to assist small businesses. Visit the GSA Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization to learn more about how GSA supports all categories of small business