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GSA’s Region 10 helps Veterans forge new career-paths during transition to civilian workforce

Today is National Hire a Veteran Day! Since 2017, its observation has called attention to veterans transitioning to civilian life and the skills and benefits they can bring to non-military jobs. As part of GSA’s mission to deliver the best customer service in the federal space and to the American people through effective and efficient government operations, we’re proud to uphold our long-standing commitment to directly impact the communities we serve each day. 

GSA is honored to support the variety of programs and resources aiming to prioritize the mental and physical well being, rehabilitation and advancement of U.S. service members. Through Operation Warfighter (OWF), GSA has welcomed several veterans with full-time permanent employment into the agency’s workforce.

OWF is an internship program that matches qualified wounded, ill, injured and recovering service members with non-funded federal internships in order for them to gain valuable professional work experience during their recovery and rehabilitation. 

Chris Hall
Christian Hall

Meet Christian Hall, a retired three-time combat veteran with ten years of military service and experience in the U.S. Army National Guard. Before joining GSA’s Region 10 (R10) as an intern in 2013, Hall was involved with the Warrior Transition Support Program (formerly the Warrior Transition Battalion or WTB) while stationed at Joint Base Lewis-McChord in Washington state. During his return from one of many constant medical appointments at Madigan Army Medical Center, he described running into a GSA Executive Officer based out of R10 who provided him with OWF program information and promoted the unique experiences the program could provide. 

“Admittedly, I had little interest in much of anything during this stage of my rehabilitation journey apart from my day to day duties,” reflects Hall. “I completed my Master’s degree during my time in the WTB program which led me to exploring an internship opportunity with GSA nearly 4 months later.”

Through the program’s active process, service members work with regional counselors to evaluate their unique experiences, identify suitable recruitment options and receive assistance with reintegrating to duty, or transitioning into the civilian work environment where they are able to employ their newly acquired skills in a non-military work setting. 

“When I received news that I would retire from the Army early, I didn’t know where to go or what the future held, all of my experience was in military and law enforcement,” shared Hall. “Long story short, my military career ended on a Friday and my GSA career began the next Monday as a Contract Specialist in R10. GSA was not on my radar at the time but the stars aligned and I have not looked back. This may not have been my chosen career path, but it is the career path I would not trade. I can’t say enough about all the people at GSA who’ve helped me in my journey and shown support along the way.”

Region 10’s adoption of the program provides its participants with meaningful activity outside of a recovery-forward environment and offers a formal means of transition back into the workforce. 

Sam Layne
Sam Layne

After 18 years of service, Samuel Layne plans to retire from the U.S. Army this August. While out-processing with the Army, Layne recalls being presented with various intern-and-apprenticeship options and it was upon reviewing the military’s Soldier for Life Program, a new door would be opened. 

“The OWF internship really stood out to me,” Layne recalled. “I was assigned a counselor that directed my application while aligning my interests with my military service. Immediately after I interviewed with GSA, I knew I had found my next career!” exclaimed Layne. In May 2023, Layne joined R10’s Leasing Division in Tacoma, WA. “I was very impressed with the amount of dedicated federal employees who took time to help me understand the program and welcomed me as part of the team,” added Layne. 

From all GSA team members, we extend our thanks to you - the brave women and men who serve on our nation's frontline, and encourage you to explore OWF and other federal initiatives such as the Skillbridge Program also offered through the DoD and the Wounded Warrior Program led by the U.S. military, which promotes your successful rehabilitation and integration into both military and non-military jobs.

“We are always ecstatic to welcome new employees like Christian and Samuel to GSA’s Northwest/Arctic Region through unique and meaningful programs that support our government and nation’s heroes,” said Sukhee Kang, R10 Regional Administrator. “This initiative directly impacts our GSA mission by expanding our agency workforce and creating professional opportunities for veterans with diverse experiences and skill sets.”

We look forward to continuing the advancement of our workplace solutions to maintain our national ranking as one of the best places to work in the federal government!