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GSA to host community meeting for the expansion of the Kenneth G. Ward and Sumas Land Ports of Entry

Community meeting will focus on the project status, future plans

TACOMA, Wash. ㅡ The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) invites the public to a community information meeting regarding the expansion and modernization of the Kenneth G. Ward  (Lynden) and Sumas land ports of entry in Washington. 

The public is invited to attend the in-person meeting on Monday, November 6, from 6 – 8 p.m. Pacific Standard Time at the American Legion Post 212, 134 Harrison St, Sumas, WA 98295. 

The meeting will be led by the GSA project team and will provide local residents and other stakeholders with an overview of both projects and provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. 

Both the Lynden and Sumas land ports require construction to better serve the government’s and traveling public’s needs. At the Kenneth G. Ward port, space limitations cause frequent congestion in the commercial vehicle lane and commercial vehicles often travel farther distances to other ports that offer more efficient processing. The Sumas port does not have enough space for efficient traffic flow or safe and secure inspection areas, which impede the port’s operations, and cause traffic and safety concerns in the surrounding area. These two projects will improve port operations and capability. The new, modern and energy-efficient facilities will meet the government’s mission requirements and improve the travelers crossing experience.

Project information is available at: and