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GSA Donates Surplus Computers to EXCEL Academy Charter School for Girls

Image of Former NCR Regional Administrator Julia E. Hudson, DC Council Member LaRuby May (Ward 8), Congresswoman Eleanor H. Norton (D-DC), Former GSA Administrator Denise Turner Roth, EXCEL Academy CEO, Deborah Lockhart, DC Mayor Bowser’s Office, Kim Bassett, EXCEL Academy Board Member, Valerie Holt and NCR FAS Regional Commissioner Houston Taylor cut ribbon at EXCEL Academy CFL PresentationAs an integral part of GSA’s Women’s History Month observances, 65 surplus computers were donated to EXCEL Academy Public School – the only all girls public charter school in Washington, DC – in support of the Computers for Learning (CFL) Program’s implementation of Executive Order #12999, Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for all Children in the Next Century, which enables schools and educational nonprofit organizations to obtain excess computer equipment from federal agencies. 

Former GSA Administrator, Denise Turner Roth and former NCR Regional Administrator, Julia E. Hudson were joined by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), DC City Council Member LaRuby May (Ward 8), Director of Women’s Policy & Initiatives, Kim Bassett, from the Office of DC Mayor Muriel Bowser, and NCR FAS Regional Commissioner Houston Taylor, in a standing room only audience of parents, students, teachers and community leaders as they donated surplus computers and other peripheral computer items from the Agency’s CFL Program to the school, located in Southeast Washington, DC on Friday, March 30, 2016.

We hope this donation will not only help our young scholars prepare for immediate needs such as testing, but unequivocally help create a platform of learning for the future,” Hudson said.  A special note of thanks goes to NCR FAS Regional Commissioner Houston Taylor and his Property Disposal Team who made the donation of surplus computers possible.  Additional thanks goes to the NCR Information Technology, (IT) Customer Support Center DC Metro Team for their exemplary logistical assistance in support of the computer donation’s presentation to the EXCEL Academy Public School. 

EXCEL Academy’s student enrollment currently consists of approximately 700 minority female students that range from preschool through the seventh grade, with the expectation of the eighth grade addition next year.   

Hundreds of schools throughout the nation have participated in the Computers for Learning Program through GSA. The Computers for Learning Program increases access to technology for students, encourages the reuse of technical equipment and serves as a catalyst for landfill reduction.