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GSA NCR Included Among Regional Winners of 2024 Project Management Awards

The annual Project Management Awards occurred on June 20th, and showcased a variety of successful projects across the country, including a few winners right here in the National Capital Region. According to a summary of the awards themselves, “these are the project managers and teams who exceed expectations and strive for excellence in their work. They demonstrate how all projects should be managed and serve as examples for their colleagues.”

Individual regions nominate their best projects for consideration of the awards, which are then reviewed for eligibility, quality, and performance. They are then sent to an initial panel, followed by a subsequent one, who confirm the final top two nominations in every single category. Finalists are then sent to the PBS Commissioner for final deliberation on the winners. 

Winners have to have  their projects come in on schedule and on budget, and are evaluated based on eight categories: project management principles; cost savings; customer satisfaction; innovation; integration across business lines; quality design standards; model best practices; and performance measures. 

From there, winners and honorable mentions are selected in nine different categories: Large Federal Construction Projects; Lease Construction and Prospectus Projects; Lease Projects Below Prospectus; Disposition Projects; Disposition Service Projects; Beyond Space Projects; Below-Prospectus Projects; Below-Prospectus Portfolio; and Project Management Achievement. 

The winner in the Lease Construction and Prospectus Projects category this year was the GSA/FBI Lease Acquisition Project here in Region 11, under the supervision of project manager Joel Bustamante. 

“The success of this prospectus lease acquisition project can be directly attributed to the effective collaboration of the Project Team with the other business lines from project initiation to closeout,” Bustamante said. “Lease project management activities were integrated and coordinated with other business lines in multiple ways, from our collaboration with the lease contracting officer and portfolio manager during the initial schedule and budget development.”

“[There was also] close coordination during the post-award period in facilitating the design and construction that include negotiations with the contractors on managing unforeseen issues and risks,” he added. “Those PM tasks were not just limited to project execution. collaboration with outside business lines extended to estimation and pricing evaluation, financial validation and legal consultation. It was indeed a GSA team effort to achieve project excellence!” 

Region 11 also received an honorable mention for Below-Prospectus Projects for the PGBC HVAC Filtration Project at the Portals 1 Building in Washington, under the supervision of project manager Gregory Gary.