NCR Hosts Successful Facilities Management Outreach Event

The National Capital Region (NCR) Office of Facilities Management presented to full auditorium of potential vendors on November 8, 2018 for the Facilities Management Outreach event. More than 120 people attended and were greeted by both NCR’s Regional Administrator, Scott Anderson, and the NCR PBS Regional Commissioner, Darren Blue. Anderson welcomed the crowd stating, “We are so glad you’re here today to learn how we do business and to help us understand how we can do business better”.
Interested vendors arrived eager to learn about new contract strategy, operations and maintenance, elevator, custodial and other recurring building services. Aimee Whiteman, Director of the NCR Office of Facilities Management, gave an energetic presentation that highlighted the Facilities Modernization Initiative, saying “I need partners. I need partners who understand our building automation systems, our work order ticket systems, our fault detection systems, and want to help us leverage those systems to become more resource efficient. I need partners who understand our energy performance potential and can help us maximize it”. Whiteman also touched on how NCR is working diligently to overhaul contracting strategy, maximize building connectivity, and integrated technology, and manage resources more efficiently.

New vendors were then invited to a workshop lead by Small Business Specialist, Charles Aycock. The workshop focused on the GSA Schedules Program and how to begin doing business with GSA. Aycock walked the crowd through the exact steps one must take to get on schedule with GSA as well as how to create a federal business plan.
Is the GSA Schedule right for you? Take the Readiness Assessment [PDF].
GSA believes in small business first. Visit the GSA Small Business site to learn more.