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Daniel Patrick Moynihan U.S. Federal Courthouse Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
GSA Regional Administrator, Denise Pease
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
From left to right: Frank Santella, PBS Regional Commissioner, Denise Pease, GSA Regional Administrator, Chief Judge, Loretta Preska, Congressman, Jerrold Nadler, and Congressman, Jose Serrano.

New York City — The opening of the new security pavilion at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan Courthouse was celebrated Wednesday May 4th with a ribbon cutting attended by GSA Regional Administrator, Denise Pease, PBS Regional Commissioner, Frank Santella, Chief Judge, Loretta Preska, Congressman Jerrold Nadler, and Congressman Jose Serrano.

World events continue to remind us all of the need for increased security - the need to not only keep the employees who work in our buildings safe - but also the public who visit and use these living monuments. The new security pavilion was dedicated at Moynihan courthouse where high-profile cases often take place.

The newly constructed security pavilion entrance, located along the western side of the courthouse accessed by the general public provides the courthouse and its occupants with an enhanced level of security and safety. This LEED Gold rated pavilion can handle up to 160 visitors at a time, creating an orderly gateway into the courthouse and moving pedestrian traffic from the sidewalk to a secure enclosure, ultimately relieving public congestion in the surrounding area.