Kevin Vickery, Mid-Atlantic PBS Philadelphia Field Office Manager.
Mid-Atlantic PBS welcomes Kevin Vickery to his new role as Philadelphia Field Office Manager. As Field Office Manager, Vickery develops, directs, acquires, coordinates and delivers services related to the operations, maintenance and repair of federal buildings for GSA customers in center city Philadelphia. PBS field offices provide our client agencies with a full range of real property management solutions, including tenant services, ongoing occupancy management, building operation and maintenance services, and repairs and alterations services. Please note that lease administration for tenants in center city Philadelphia is now managed by the Delaware Valley Field Office.
Vickery has spent his nearly 15 year GSA career in the Philadelphia Field Office in a variety of different roles. He has served as a lease administration manager as well as a building manager for the James A. Byrne U.S. Courthouse; William J. Green, Jr. Federal Building; and the Robert N.C. Nix Federal Building and U.S. Post Office.
Since 2020, Vickery has served as the Operations Manager to the Byrne-Green Federal Complex, overseeing operations during the recent Green Federal Building restack project. During this project, GSA renovated over 540,000 rentable square feet of office space throughout the 10 story building, facilitating major improvements to the operational efficiency of five tenant agencies. Improvements to the lobby, conference center and building infrastructure were also made.
In looking forward to his new role, Vickery says, “Our office is composed of incredibly talented professionals. I look forward to working with them to provide meaningful property management solutions to the Philadelphia federal community.”
Vickery began his career in the GSA Emerging Leaders Program in 2010 and holds degrees in liberal arts and business administration. Vickery has also achieved designations from Building Owners and Managers International (BOMI) in the specialties of real property, facilities management, and high-performance sustainable buildings as well as “facility management professional” from the International Facilities Management Association.
This article is part of the Winter issue of the FOCUS newsletter. Please visit the Focus Newsletter page to read our newsletter.