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State Street Property Disposal

Exterior photo of 202 South State Street looking southwestFederally-owned properties located at 202, 212, 214, and 220 South State Street, Chicago, are currently being offered to other government entities via the disposal authority of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA).

The properties will be offered first to other federal agencies, next to homeless assistance groups as required by the McKinney Act, then to state and local units of government, and lastly to the public via auction if none of the aforementioned entities have an appropriate interest.

GSA purchased the properties in 2004 with expectation of future expansion needs for the Chicago Federal Center. With most agencies now seeking to reduce office space, the properties are no longer needed. 

The agency initially offered the properties in exchange for private sector construction services at two other federal locations. However, though offers were made, no agreement was reached. Accordingly, GSA is now moving forward with disposing of these properties using its customary authorities.

GSA will ensure compliance with all National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 and National Environmental Policy Act processes and requirements. More information on the Federal Property Disposal Process (diagrammed below) is available at

Disposal Process graphic step one with arrow pointing to text: "Excess: If a federal agency no longer needs a property to carry out its program responsibilities, it reports this property as 'excess' to its needs." Disposal Process graphic step two with arrow pointing to text: "Federal Transfer: GSA first offers excess property to other federal agencies that may have a program need for it. If another federal agency identifies a need, the property can be transferred to that agency." Disposal Process graphic step three with arrow pointing to text: "Surplus Property: If there is no further need for the property within the federal government, the property is determined 'surplus' and may be made available for other uses through public benefit conveyances (PBCs), negotiated sales, or public sales."Disposal Process graphic step four with arrow pointing to text: "Negotiated Sale: GSA can negotiate a sale at appraised fair market value with a state or local government if the property will be used for another public purpose."Disposal Process graphic step five with arrow pointing to text: "Public Sale: If state and local governments or other eligivle non-profits do not wish to acquire the property, GSA disposes of surplus property via a competitive sale to the public."













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