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FAS Category Management Industrial Operations Analysts realignment

February 19, 2017

KANSAS CITY, MO. — The Federal Acquisition Service has realigned resources to better support the Category Management model. Category management enables the government to eliminate redundancies, increase efficiency, and deliver more value and savings from the government’s acquisition programs.

Industrial Operation Analysts (IOAs) Takyung Lee, Elizabeth Naiman, Jim Hodgson and Jorge Hernandez are now part of the acquisition workforce at the Heartland Acquisition Center. One of the benefits of this realignment is closer working relationships between members of our acquisition workforce, the Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO), Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO), and Industrial Operations Analyst (IOA) who are aligned to support specific FAS schedules, categories and industries created by this initiative to better assist contractors.

Additionally, as an outcome of this realignment, the IOAs are no longer geographically located and will be performing ongoing compliance assessments virtually. Assessment types include annual assessments performed for contract holders with $150,000.00 or more in annual reported sales, and End of Term assessments that are conducted for all contracts in the fourth year of the contract term determined by the contract anniversary date.

As a reminder, the Annual and End of Term Assessments are a contract requirement. If you are new to this process, or if you have any questions, your IOA will provide you with all the assistance you need to guide you through the virtual assessment process.

As GSA implements these changes, FAS wants to ensure that contractors are able to contact the correct individuals and easily locate FAS points of contact at any time:

  • Procurement Contracting Officers can be identified by entering a contract number on GSA eLibrary.
  • Administrative Contracting Officers and Industrial Operations Analysts are found using the ACO/IOA locator on GSA’s Vendor Support Center.

To learn more about Category Management at GSA and across Government, read “Taking Category Management Government-Wide” on the GSA Blog.