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Defense Department increases micro-purchase threshold

July 13, 2017

Claire M. Grady, the director of Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy, issued a memorandum [PDF - 208 KB] on July 13 increasing the DoD micro-purchase threshold limit to $5,000.

Class Deviation 201 7-00006 (from FAR 2.101) directed all contracting officers and other individuals delegated micro-purchase authority to increase the limit from $3,500 to $5,000 for the acquisition of supplies or services funded by DoD appropriations.

Exceptions to the micro-purchase limit include:

  • DoD acquisition of supplies or services for basic research programs and for activities of the DoD science and technology reinvention laboratories [that limit is $10,000 (10 U.S.C. 2339)]; and
  • As provided at paragraphs (1) through (3) of the definition of “micro-purchase threshold” at FAR 2.101.

This class deviation is effective until it is incorporated in the DFARS or until this class deviation is otherwise rescinded.