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FY21 mentoring program comes to a close

Region 6’s annual mentoring program officially ended Aug. 19 as mentors, mid-mentors and proteges from throughout the region presented their experiences to PBS Regional Commissioner Kevin Rothmier, FAS Regional Commissioner Mary Ruwwe, and Lease Contract Administration Zone 2 Chief Katie Swan.

Following the same “trios” concept first implemented in FY20, the program matched a diverse set of three employees who work in different departments and geographic areas to allow participants to expand their network.

“It was encouraging to hear from each trio how this volunteer program enriched their lives, professionally and personally,” said Mentoring Program Manager Tisha Horrell. “Also, it was great to know that each trio was able to adapt the program requirements to fit their needs, such as discussing books read in the past or listening to TED talks.”

The FY21 program kicked off Nov. 12, 2020, with 42 participants. Trios were required to meet regularly and to read and discuss a book together. The program plan also included shadowing each other in their jobs. Each mid-mentor and protege also created a developmental goal to work toward over the course of the program year.

“Keep an eye out for information coming soon on how you can participate in the FY22 Region 6 mentoring program,” Horrell added. “Contact Kristin Conway or myself with any questions.”

Participants trios from FY21:

Mentor Mid-Mentor Protege
Barbara Jo Schmitt-Cole Lea-Suzanne Avila Melanie Brace
Mary Ruwwe Lisa Nelson Marie-Claire Pearce
Cy Houston Justin Wise Greg Warner
Wendy Dent Pamela Scott LJ Morris
Matt Helmering Benjamin Smith Nathan Bragg
Denise Elsbernd Nancy Bamford Ben Cowan
Tyler Sikes Cole White Cynthia Clark
Brad Nies Patrick Mazzei Elizabeth Naiman
LaShonda Threat Danielle Freeborn Angie Haden
Chris Bolinger Nick Freeman Ryan Umoren
Katie Swan Aaron Starr Kim Crane
Kevin Rothmier Kristin Conway Becky Shirley
Patty Pelikan Eric Gorman Stefanie Walters
Javonne Robinson Jane Schuster April Whitehead