Groundbreaking ceremony marks start of construction on new FBI field office

KANSAS CITY, Missouri — Dignitaries gathered May 17 to break ground on a construction project for the FBI’s new field office at 11180 NW Prairie View Rd. GSA oversees the $102 million project, which is slated for completion in the fall of 2023.
Dignitaries who attended the groundbreaking included:
- The Honorable Quinton Lucas, Mayor, City of Kansas City
- Acting Associate Deputy Director Larissa L. Knapp, Human Resources Branch, FBI
- Special Agent in Charge Charles A. Dayoub, Kansas City Field Office, FBI
- Deputy Commissioner Allison Azevedo, Public Buildings Service, GSA
- Vice President of Development Jason Hobick, US Federal Properties
“Today’s ceremony continues to cement the FBI’s commitment to our community and the citizens we serve,” Dayoub said. “This new facility will not only add to that commitment but will assist in the FBI’s ability to meet its increasing demands on our mission and service. It will enable our employees to be more efficient, housing the majority of our employees under one roof, ensuring we have ample room to fulfill our duties and provide space for future growth. We look forward to being residents of the Northland community and want to thank GSA, USFP and all of our partners for joining us in this ceremony.”
Lucas said he recently had the opportunity to visit with the attorney general of the United States, the present and others.
“In many of those conversations, the main topic has been cooperation. How we, at the local level, cooperate with our state and federal partners. This is just such an example. Working with (our partners), we have seen that if we can build a project, it can be the pride of not just this region but throughout the nation. People can see the facility that is built here, the efficiency at which it will be constructed, and know that projects can be done and done well in Kansas City.”
In accordance with GSA’s mission to acquire space on behalf of other government agencies, GSA signed a lease for 136,910 rentable square feet of office space for a term of 20 years firm and a total contract value of $102,107,470.
“Next fall, this area will be the site of a new field office that will have increased space to house growing staff and meet the latest security requirements,” Azevedo said. “GSA takes seriously our responsibility to ensure that our customers have the facility and the tools they need to achieve their mission in the most effective and efficient way possible — and that is what we have achieved here today.”
The new facility will be located in the Northland just west of I-29 at 112th St. near the Kansas City International Airport.
The FBI has more than 300 employees and task force officers throughout the Kansas City Division territory. They are expected to take occupancy at the new location in fall 2023.
US Federal Properties of Kansas City, Missouri, leads construction on the project.