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New 'Client Project Agreement' secures strategic requirements

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Since Jan. 1, GSA has been using a new formal document called the “Client Project Agreement,” or CPA, that serves as the final agreement between the Public Buildings Service and tenants to secure strategic level requirements. 

The CPA will be used for all leased and federally-owned space projects, and will eventually replace the SF-81 space request form. It is expected to be made no later than 30 months prior to expiring occupancy for non-prospectus projects, and no later than six months prior to PBS submitting prospectus projects for national review.

Concurrence from tenants acknowledges the information captured can be in the form of a signed CPA, an SF-81 form, or an e-mail. The agreement:

  • Documents the identification phase of the PBS project lifecycle.
  • Serves as a tool to facilitate and document the discussion of high-level requirements.
  • Provides direction on what the future occupancy will look like and sets the space parameters for the project team to work within.
  • Should be completed collaboratively by the Planning Manager, Client Delivery Team and client.
  • Is the deliverable Planning Managers transition to Projects Program Managers.

The CPA encourages collaboration across the organization while ensuring a consistent and timely requirements gathering. PBS’s goal is to ensure early partnership and buy-in of a solution that is mutually beneficial for the customer and American taxpayer.