GSA Regional Administrator engages in strategic outreach efforts in Arkansas, highlighting opportunities for small businesses and students

During April 15-16, GSA Regional Administrator Jason Shelton traveled to Little Rock, Arkansas, to engage local leaders and college students. The focus was on advancing equity, economic justice, and diversity of the American supplier base in federal government purchasing.
On the first day of his trip, Shelton met separately with Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. of Little Rock, Mayor Shirley M. Washington of Pine Bluff, and staff members of the Office of Congressman French Hill. Shelton shared valuable GSA resources available for small businesses looking to pursue contract opportunities with the federal government. The leaders also discussed GSA’s plan to reduce barriers and increase overall contract dollars awarded to small and disadvantaged businesses and underserved communities.
“Our conversations with local community leaders in Little Rock advance GSA’s goal to increase diversity of small businesses in the federal marketplace,” Shelton said. “We look forward to continuing this outreach in Region 7 driven by the GSA Equity Action Plan and President Biden’s call for whole-of-government equity efforts.”
“We greatly appreciated the opportunity to meet with Regional Administrator Shelton to share how the City of Little Rock leans fully into equity through programs and initiatives to increase supplier diversity and support small businesses within the community,” Mayor Scott said. “Little Rock is a growing, thriving, and diverse city, so we are pleased to see how the Biden Administration and GSA are engaged in efforts to be inclusive and equitable in government contracting.”

The following day, Shelton met with a group of students from Philander Smith University, a historically black college, to discuss GSA’s employment and internship opportunities. The discussion covered GSA’s mission, the intricacies of federal applications, and strategies for success on the USAJobs website.
Shelton encouraged students to consider employment with GSA, saying “we need team members like you, driven by social justice, to achieve GSA’s mission to continuously improve service delivery while promoting sustainability and equity.”
These dual initiatives underscore GSA’s commitment to fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within our workforce and across economic partnerships. Shelton’s efforts in Little Rock serve as a testament to the agency’s dedication to building a more equitable future for the federal government and the people we serve.