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Commercial bypass lanes open for business at Del Rio’s Land Port of Entry

aerial view of new lanes at Del Rio LPOE

Del Rio, Texas - Today, the General Services Administration (GSA), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the City of Del Rio announced the completion of commercial bypass lanes at the Del Rio Land Port of Entry (LPOE). The new lanes provide commercial vehicle processing through a designated area to help reduce overall wait times, speed inspections and improve trade with Mexico.

The bypass lanes were made possible through the Donations Acceptance Program. The program allows GSA and CBP to partner with public and private entities to accept donations in support of CBP operations at ports of entry.  In this case, the City of Del Rio donated over $400K in improvements to provide two new roadways from the base of the International Bridge to the Expedited Cargo Lanes, including all associated drainage, signage, lighting, and fencing.

GSA is proud of its partnership with the City of Del Rio and the Customs and Border Protection, and our successful delivery of this important project to improve traffic flow and trade at the Del Rio Land Port of Entry,” said Regional Administrator Jason Shelton.  “This project, and several others along the southern border, benefit from improvements made through our donations program.”  

This improvement project was successfully completed through a joint effort to enhance our processing operations,” said Port Director Liliana Flores, Del Rio Port of Entry. “The addition of the brand new SENTRI lane will not only have a positive impact on our Trusted Traveler Program card holders, but all travelers, to include our commercial traffic, with expedited processing times when entering the United States.”

It is through mutually beneficial partnerships with federal and local entities, such as this, which assist in CBP’s mission and increasing the economic strength of surrounding communities,” said  Diane Sabatino, Acting Executive Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Field Operations.


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