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GSA and CBP’s Donations Acceptance Program Supports LPOE Operations and Boosts Local Economies

Multiple Locations, TX - U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recently announced the reauthorization of the Donations Acceptance Authority through the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2022.  The authority allows private sector and government entities to donate real and personal property, including monetary donations, or non personal services to GSA and CBP through the Donations Acceptance Program (DAP).  DAP donations are used to support CBP field operations at Land Ports of Entry (LPOE) along the U.S. southern border with Mexico.

Through the DAP, GSA and CBP can accept donations for LPOE construction, alterations, maintenance and operations including new infrastructure, personal property,  system upgrades, technologies and other supporting equipment.  

“One of the greatest benefits of the DAP is the way it includes an unprecedented level of partnership between the various people and organizations with an interest in improving trade, security, and public health.” said Charlie Hart, GSA’s Southern Border Executive.  “We’ve never worked as closely with CBP, with the communities, and with our other federal and state partners as we have during the development of the donations projects over the past few years.” 

“This public-private partnership mechanism has allowed CBP to explore and implement tangible solutions to trade and travel facilitation and enforcement challenges,” said Pete Flores, CBP’s Executive Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Field Operations. “Many infrastructures and technological improvements at Ports of Entry are made possible by this means.” 

The DAP program began in 2014.  Since that time, we’ve engaged in 43 donation partnerships totaling approximately $216 million in planned and realized investments at LPOEs. 
A few examples include:  

  • Anzalduas LPOE, Mission, Texas - Full Commercial Facilities
    • Estimated value - $50 Million
    • The project includes a new cargo processing/administration office, command center, overhead canopies, inspection booths, commercial inspection bays, and commercial inspection area; roadway pavement upgrades; parking lot expansion; and a cash donation to purchase associated inspection and security technology.
  • Pharr LPOE, Pharr, Texas - Commercial Facilities Expansion
    • Estimated value - $42 Million
    • The project includes a new agricultural lab facility, cargo inspection facility and training center; cold inspection facility; additional commercial truck parking spaces; and a cash donation to purchase associated inspection and security technology.
  • Los Tomates LPOE, Brownsville, Texas - Non-Commercial Facilities Expansion
    • Estimated value - $14 Million
    • The project includes new non-commercial primary inspection lanes/booths, non-commercial secondary inspection bays, overhead canopy and secondary inspection facility; the relocation of an existing bus inspection area; and a cash donation to purchase associated inspection and security technology. 
  • World Trade LPOE, Laredo, Texas - Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Commercial Inspection Lane Relocation
    • Estimated value - $11 Million
    • The project includes new roadway lanes connecting the FAST lane to a new FAST inspection facility; new commercial lanes and associated inspection booths; a dedicated FAST inspection area; upgrades to an existing parking lot; and a cash donation to purchase FAST inspection technology and related equipment.
  • Pharr LPOE, Pharr, Texas - Commercial Inspection Facilities Upgrades
    • Estimated value - $5 Million
    • The project includes two new inbound commercial lanes; a new super-wide load bypass lane; two new primary inspection booths and related canopy; selective demolition of existing infrastructure to accommodate new facilities; full depth repair/replacement of existing concrete paved areas; site lighting; and two new exit inspection booths and associated canopy.

In addition to providing needed upgrades and expansions to LPOEs in support of CBP field operations, these projects also help benefit local economies.  The work creates local skilled labor jobs over the course of construction; upon completion, the improvements reduce border crossing wait times providing consumers with faster access to business and retail establishments on both sides of the border.  The improved flow of traffic between the United States and Mexico also further strengthens international trade and commerce for the nation as a whole.

The Donations Acceptance Authority through the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2022 extends the DAP through December 31, 2026.

About GSA: GSA provides centralized procurement for the federal government, managing a nationwide real estate portfolio of more than 370 million rentable square feet and overseeing approximately $68 billion in annual contracts. GSA’s mission is to deliver the best value in real estate, acquisition and technology services across government, in support of the Biden-Harris administration’s priorities. For more information, visit: and follow us at @USGSA.
