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GSA and federal partners continue coordinated response to Hurricane Harvey

The Office of Mission Assurance at the Hurricane Harvey Joint Field Office sitting at desks

The U.S. General Services Administration, in coordination with its federal partners, is responding to the needs of federal agencies, vendors, and communities in areas of Texas and Louisiana impacted by Hurricane Harvey. 

Immediately after Harvey, people were looking for a place to file paperwork so that they could start the process of rebuilding,” said David Waishes, the deputy regional director of GSA’s Office of Mission Assurance in Region 7, which covers Louisiana, Texas, and parts of the Southwest.  “To support our partners in the relief effort, GSA was tasked with finding acceptable space to enable our employees and our partners across government to use the tools and equipment they need — in the shortest time possible.”

Since GSA’s response to Hurricane Harvey commenced, the agency has received multiple requests for assistance in finding, amending, and leasing space, including for responder support camps, call centers, donation management warehouses, and a variety of parking and staging areas.

Waishes, who has worked for GSA for more than two decades, has previously deployed to New Jersey for Hurricane Sandy response efforts in 2012 and Louisiana for Hurricane Katrina response efforts in 2005. These experiences have helped prepare him for the challenges facing many of the residents returning to Houston.

Currently, roughly 30,000 federal employees and service members are working in southeast Texas to help the region recover from the effects of the deadly storm.