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GSA Announces New Lease for Environmental Protection Agency in Dallas

EPA will be moving to Renaissance Tower

DALLAS — Today, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the new lease contract award for the agency’s Regional Office in Dallas. The new lease located at Renaissance Tower will provide EPA the space needed to support their mission to protect human health and the environment.  Additionally, the new space design will be more efficient and collaborative with advanced technology to reduce the agency’s physical and environmental footprint.  

Key Lease Award Facts:

  • EPA will occupy 229,000 rentable square feet of office space at Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas, Texas.
  • GSA anticipates that EPA will take occupancy of the new space by early 2019
  • The new space will achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification incorporating best practices for energy conservation, resource conservation, water conservation and indoor air quality helping to meet federal sustainability goals
  • The new location will provide EPA with advanced spatial functions consolidating areas in a manner to utilize technology.

GSA’s Regional Administrator Sylvia Hernandez said:

“GSA and EPA have a developed a strong partnership in recent years through our agency’s efforts to create more sustainable government.  GSA’s goal is to help our federal partners reduce their federal footprint while also saving the American taxpayer’s money.  We were able to accomplish both with our new lease for EPA in Dallas.”

EPA’s Regional Administrator Ron Curry said:

“It’s terrific to have GSA as our partner in finding new office space that both meets the needs of our diverse workforce and our organization’s values. We couldn’t be more pleased with the search process and outcome. Our employee’s play vital role in our planned move and work space design, and we are eager to unpack.”

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