GSA Recognizes 25th Anniversary of Oklahoma City Bombing

On April 19, 1995, GSA’s Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was the target of domestic terrorism claiming the lives of 168 souls, including two GSA employees and many of our customer agencies, tenants and friends.
During last week’s PBS virtual town hall, Regional Commissioner Giancarlo (GC) Brizzi took a moment to recognize the 25th Anniversary of the bombing. A GSA Service Center Manager who survived that day led employees in 168 seconds of silence to recognize those who lost their lives, those who survived and those whose lives were changed forever.
In years past, GSA has recognized the anniversary with survivors, local Oklahomans and others from across the globe during an event hosted by the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum. In light of this year’s COVID-19 spread and social distancing requirements, the planned event was not held. However, the Memorial Museum prepared a special prerecorded 25th Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony.
View the 25th Anniversary Remembrance Ceremony using this link.