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NextGen Selects GSA’s Sustainability Program Manager for Silent Hero Award

Kelly Longfellow "Silent Hero" business like card

GSA’s Greater Southwest Region is proud to announce Kelly Longfellow, Sustainability Program Manager, as the winner of a 2021 NextGen Public Service Award for superior public service and achievement. 

NextGen Public Service Awards recognize deserving individuals selected from the public service community for their intelligence, exuberance and dedication to improving and invigorating government.

Kelly received the Silent Hero Award which recognizes a public servant who has operated behind the scenes, silently working in a dedicated and committed fashion, without the limelight. He or she has laid the foundation for stellar public service results and impacted positive change in their organization at the local, state, national or international level.

Government service gives me the opportunity and the platform to work with all levels of government,” Ms. Longfellow said. “ Whether at the municipal, state or federal (level), even non profit organizations and private entities, for the greater good, for the triple bottom line, I get to support them.  It’s all about the planet, the people then process.”

Ms. Longfellow is not alone in her passion for the work she does at GSA. Her commitment, and that of many others, adds value to the services we provide in ways beyond measure.