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GSA Celebrates San Ysidro Land Port of Entry’s Modernization and Expansion Project Completion

The ribbon is officially cut on the newly-expanded San Ysidro Land Port of Entry in San Ysidro, CA on December 17, 2019.
The ribbon was officially cut on the newly-expanded San Ysidro Land Port of Entry in San Ysidro, CA on December 17, 2019. Left to right between the uniformed CBP officers at the ends: Baja California Economic Development Secretary Mario Escobedo, Pacific Rim Regional Administrator Tom Scott, Consul General Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, CBP Executive Assistant Commissioner Todd Owen, U.S. Representative Juan Vargas, GSA Public Buildings Service Deputy Commissioner Allison Azevedo, Ambassador Christopher Landau, Tijuana Mayor Arturo Gonzalez Cruz

By Javier Fernandez

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) hosted a ribbon cutting ceremony on Tuesday, December 17 to celebrate the completion of the San Ysidro Land Port of Entry’s modernization and expansion project. Over 250 guests braved strong Santa Ana winds to attend the community celebration. They were comprised of binational stakeholders, business groups, community leaders as well as representatives from federal, state and local government agencies.

Not even high winds could shake the event’s celebratory mood which was shared by those in attendance; particularly by members of the San Ysidro and greater San Diego-Tijuana communities, who expressed their appreciation and satisfaction with the port project. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in their ceremonial uniforms were joined by representatives from other local law enforcement agencies. Their presence underscored the significance of the port’s security and inspection mission as well as provided additional security for the event.

Distinguished speakers included Representative Juan Vargas, Ambassador Christopher Landau, GSA Public Buildings Service Deputy Commissioner Allison Azevedo, and CBP Executive Assistant Commissioner Todd Owen. The event also featured Mexican government speakers such as Tijuana Mayor Arturo Gonzalez Cruz, Consul General Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez and the Baja California Economic Development Secretary Mario Escobedo.

Constructed and funded in three phases, the project received continuous support from the San Diego congressional delegation. In his remarks, Congressman Vargas, who represents the district, presented GSA Pacific Rim Region Regional Administrator Tom Scott with a Proclamation signed by all five members of the San Diego congressional delegation.

The nearly 10 year-long, $741 million project replaced the port’s old 1970s infrastructure with modernized and expanded facilities designed to enhance CBP’s ability to complete its mission. These improvements include 63 vehicle inspection booths over 34 lanes, two pedestrian inspection facilities, expanded southbound and northbound secondary vehicle inspection facilities and infrastructure.

“The GSA project team was able to deliver this important project on time and under budget while maintaining operation at the busiest land port in the Western Hemisphere,” said Azevedo. “The renovation and expansion of this port will enhance the border crossing experience for travelers and provide the CBP and other federal agencies the facilities they need to conduct their missions for years to come.”