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Rep. Ted Lieu, GSA, Cross Campus Host Emerging Digital Technology and Government Summit


May 2, 2016

LOS ANGELES— Today, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) in partnership with Rep. Ted Lieu (CA-33) and Cross Campus, hosted an Emerging Digital Technology and Government Summit in Santa Monica as part of GSA’s efforts to bring new, emerging technology to the federal government. The summit facilitated open dialogue between federal policy makers and the Southern California technology industry about the government’s growing demand for technology with the intent of identifying areas where government can make it easier to access digital solutions and help federal agencies meet current and future requirements.

In keeping with GSA’s commitment to strengthen its role as a catalyst for economic development in communities nationwide, the summit also offered information on how to sell to and buy from the federal government in order to make federal opportunities more accessible to small businesses and start-ups.

“Leading the federal government in delivery of modern digital services while finding efficiencies to put savings to work for the government and the American people are pillars of GSA’s mission,” said GSA Administrator Denise Turner Roth. “Recognizing these strengths, President Obama has tasked our agency with administering a new $3.1 billion IT Modernization Fund as part of his Fiscal year 2017 Budget Request. Key to this effort is events such as this summit where we engage with industry to identify best practices in technology development and agile acquisition.”

“A 21st century government depends on technology to serve the people,” said Rep. Lieu. “Therefore, it is imperative that government invest in innovative technology and cyber security. This can be accomplished by encouraging talented individuals in the tech industry to seek careers in federal service. GSA’s 18F has been doing incredible work to ultimately make our nation more secure and more technologically innovative by making careers in federal service more appealing.”

“Identifying our technology needs requires collaboration between designers and users, technologists and contracting officers, and the government and the public,” said GSA Pacific Rim Regional Administrator Andrew McMahon. “New, emerging products and services are being created everyday by small business and start-up entrepreneurs and we’d like them to pursue technology opportunities with the federal government.”

“A healthy startup community and innovation ecosystem needs to include more than just entrepreneurs and investors, it has to include the support and participation of government at all levels—both locally and nationally,” said Dan Dato, Cross Campus Co-founder and Chief Operations Officer. “That’s what’s so exciting to us at Cross Campus about hosting Congressman Lieu, 18F and the Emerging Digital Technology and Government Summit… they are the example of our local representatives taking action at a national level to engage with our LA startup and innovation community for the benefit of all government agencies and U.S. citizens. That’s a powerful combination, and Cross Campus is honored to be involved.”

During the event, representatives of 18F, a team of digital technology consultants housed within GSA, discussed their role as a consultant to other federal agencies and what they are doing to build effective digital solutions that are focused on user-centered, agile and modular design. They highlighted successful IT initiatives such as and discussed how GSA’s agile blanket purchase agreement creates federal opportunities for vendors who specialize in agile software development.

The summit also included a panel discussion on the need for technology human capital in government and, given GSA and the Administration’s push, how to attract the best and brightest to seek careers in federal service to make our nation more secure, more innovative, and more accessible.  

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Traci Madison, GSA

Jack d’Annibale
