Administrator Roth Delivers Keynote Address at ACT-IAC Management of Change 2016 Conference
WASHINGTON — Today General Services Administration (GSA) Administrator Denise Turner Roth delivered the keynote address at the ACT-IAC Management of Change 2016 conference in Cambridge, Maryland. She spoke to GSA’s role as a leader of technology in government, citing the launch of the Technology Transformation Service, the agency’s migration to cloud as increasing efficiencies and saving taxpayer dollars, and the effort to create a more agile, open and innovative government.
GSA launched the Technology Transformation Service, to complement its Federal Acquisition Service and Public Buildings Service, earlier this month. The new service builds on the success of technology initiatives such as 18F, the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, and the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, establishing a permanent home for innovation and technology modernization inside GSA.
Denise Turner Roth said: “GSA’s unique, mutually supportive partnerships with fellow federal technology and industry leaders - including many ACT-IAC members - have have allowed us to become an incubator of government innovation and the place in government where cutting-edge technology is developed, tested and deployed across the federal landscape in service to the American people.”
ACT-IAC is a non-profit educational association established to assist government in acquiring and using information technology resources effectively and efficiently.
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