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GSA Administrator, SBA Administrator, and Mayor of Atlanta Discuss Economic Development in Atlanta

National Initiatives Supporting Local Development

WASHINGTON — Just ahead of Martin Luther King Day, the U.S. General Services Administrator Denise Turner Roth was joined by the Mayor of Atlanta Kasim Reed and the Small Business Administration Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet to discuss how to advance Dr. King’s vision by expanding economic opportunity for all.

With more than 5 million square feet of real estate and dozens of upcoming leasing opportunities in the area, GSA has the potential to be a powerful force for economic development.

Through the economic catalyst initiative, GSA is partnering with federal agencies, cities, and community stakeholders to better align the agency’s building, leasing, and relocation plans with the economic development goals of local communities.

From Denise Turner Roth, U.S. General Services Administrator:

“We are in Atlanta as part of a nationwide rollout of the General Services Administration’s (GSA) initiative to enhance our role as a catalyst for economic development,” said GSA Administrator, Denise Turner Roth. “We are leveraging the strength of the federal government and partnering with local and regional stakeholders to ensure optimal federal investment in communities,” Roth added. “Small business success is key to GSA’s goal of stimulating economic growth on a regional level.  We will align building site selection, leasing, and relocation plans to support community priorities, making it easier for small business to work with government.”

From Maria Contreras-Sweet, U.S.Small Business Administrator:

“As President Obama said in the State of the Union, government can help strengthen communities by making it easier for new enterprises to launch. Too often, the first official act of a startup – obtaining the permits and licenses to open a business – is a daunting maze of time-consuming and duplicative paperwork. SBA has partnered with Atlanta on programs like Startup in a Day, a new one-stop-shop to enable entrepreneurs to get their permits and licensing more quickly.” Contreras-Sweet continued, “Startup in Day complement a suite of SBA services that support innovation and drive job creation by small businesses and entrepreneurs across the country. Our key programs of access to capital, counseling and contracting give America’s small businesses the opportunity to thrive.”

From Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta:

“Effective cooperation between local and federal government and the private sector has been a major priority for my administration, because government can make it easier for small businesses to access capital and other resources they need to grow and thrive,” said Mayor Kasim Reed. “We’ve seen the benefits of that cooperation in the growth of Atlanta’s economy and employment numbers. Today’s conversation furthers that positive collaboration and impact.”

Continue to be a part of the conversation with @USGSA @SBAgov @CityofAtlanta and @KasimReed #EconomicCatalyst #SOTUSmallBiz

For more information on the Economic Catalyst Initiative, visit: GSA’s Vision (obsolete link removed).
