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GSA Announces Sealed Bid for the Sugar Grove Station in Eastern West Virginia


WEST VIRGINIA - The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announces a sealed bid auction sale for the Sugar Grove Station facility in Sugar Grove, Pendleton County, West Virginia. The facility is located in Potomac Highlands within a three-hour drive of our Nation’s capital.

GSA will conduct a sealed bid competitive sale, accepting bids and required deposits prior to the opening on December 1, when all bids will be publicly opened and the highest bidder declared. An open house tour of the Sugar Grove Station is set for October 26 from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Buyers interested in obtaining additional information about the property and how to submit a sealed bid may click on the following link Sugar Grove Station Sale or contact Susan Webb at 404-331-9610 or via email at

This property was formerly a Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) base. The property contains approximately 445,135 square feet of improvements, including 90 dwelling units, along with various office, maintenance and support facilities. These improvements were constructed in the late-1950s to the present. They have been fully maintained and were occupied by military personnel until September 30, 2015. The site area is 122.85 acres of unzoned land and is located within a United States National Radio Quiet Zone.

GSA serves as an economic catalyst for cities and communities across the country. As part of GSA’s ongoing efforts to make more efficient use of our real estate assets, GSA is actively working with federal agencies to identify and repurpose unneeded properties. The sale of underutilized properties, such as the Sugar Grove Station, out of the federal inventory helps facilitate local reuse which promotes economic growth and saves taxpayer dollars.

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