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GSA Awards $114M Energy Savings Performance Contract for New York Federal Buildings

Energy conservation measures to be implemented in ten federal buildings in Manhattan,
Brooklyn, and White Plains, NY

NEW YORK — Today, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Northeast and Caribbean Region, announced the award of a $114 million Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) to Trane U.S. Inc. The goal of an ESPC is for federal agencies to partner with an energy service company to implement various energy conservation measures at 10 federal buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and White Plains, New York. The effort will include major mechanical replacements to provide for more efficient operations and result in significant energy savings and will also drive economic development throughout the State of New York.

“This Energy Savings Performance Contract will save approximately $7.4 million in taxpayer dollars and 30% in energy consumption in 10 buildings throughout the New York City area”, said Norman Dong, Commissioner, GSA Public Buildings Service. “This is an important investment in the Federal government’s commitment to sustainability, creating a greener, more efficient federal government.”

“The Energy Savings Performance Contract for New York highlights GSA’s commitment to energy conservation and reducing carbon emissions of our federal buildings and courthouses,” said Denise Pease, Regional Administrator, GSA Northeast and Caribbean Region. “The result of this project will reduce our carbon footprint in the region, support our pledge to serve as good stewards of our environment, and provide an economic boost to the New York metropolitan area.”

About the ESPC award in New York:

       Buildings Include:

-       201 Varick Street Federal Building

-       Ronald H. Brown U.S. Mission to the U.N. Building

-       Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House

-       Daniel P. Moynihan U.S. Courthouse

-       Ted Weiss Federal Building

-       Charles L. Brieant Jr. Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse

-       Theodore Roosevelt U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building

-       Emanuel Celler U.S. Courthouse

-       Conrad B. Duberstein U.S. Bankruptcy Courthouse

-       Jacob K. Javits Federal Building

  • Covers approximately 8,174,094 gross square feet
  • Reduces energy consumption by 29.6%
  • Reduces water consumption by 20.2%
  • Building Automation System (BAS) improvements for better building-level control and more efficient functionality

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