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GSA Issues Phase II of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the FBI Headquarters Consolidation Project

President’s FY 2017 Budget Will Include Funding in Support of Full Consolidation

WASHINGTON — The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) today issued Phase II of the Request for Proposals (RFP) to the bidders that will compete for title to the J. Edgar Hoover Federal building in exchange for the construction of a new 2.1 million rentable square-foot Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headquarters facility. To ensure that GSA can make an award for the project in FY 2017, GSA also announced that $1.4 billion in construction funding will be included in the President’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget to be released on February 9, 2016.

“The Administration is committed to acquiring a consolidated new headquarters facility for the FBI, a member of the intelligence community,” said Bill Dowd, Project Executive for GSA’s Public Buildings Service. “The consolidated headquarters facility will allow the FBI to perform its critical national security, intelligence, and law enforcement missions in a new modern and secure facility. We appreciate Congress’ support of the project through the inclusion of $390 million in the Fiscal Year 2016 Omnibus.”

In October, GSA notified the short-listed bidders that they been selected to participate in Phase II. In Phase II, bidders will submit proposals to construct the consolidated FBI Headquarters in exchange for the J. Edgar Hoover Federal building. The project will bring together FBI headquarters functions currently housed at the J. Edgar Hoover Federal building, as well as those dispersed at multiple locations across the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.

Three potential sites (Greenbelt MD, Landover MD, and Springfield, VA) for the new FBI headquarters facility have already been identified. The National Environmental Policy Act evaluation process is underway and GSA released the draft Environmental Impact Statement in November, held public meetings in each of the three local jurisdictions, and is in the process of reviewing public comments.

About the J. Edgar Hoover Federal building

The FBI has occupied the J. Edgar Hoover Federal building since 1974. The building is situated in a prime location on Pennsylvania Avenue. The 1.77 million rentable square foot (2.4 million gross square foot) J. Edgar Hoover Federal building sits on 6.7 acres of land and is a prime location for office, retail, and residential uses.

Reducing the Federal Footprint & Increasing Efficiency

The FBI Headquarters Consolidation Project is part of GSA’s ongoing effort to meet the Obama Administration’s reduce the footprint and operational efficiency goals by consolidating federal agencies into owned government space and getting underperforming federal facilities off of the government’s books.