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GSA’s Announces Upcoming Sale of Cliffside Federal Helium Facility in Amarillo, Texas

Mechanical Room at Cliffside

Amarillo, Texas - The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) announces the upcoming sale of the Cliffside Federal Helium System located northwest of Amarillo, Texas. The federal government is disposing of the facility to meet the requirements of the Helium Stewardship Act of 2013. In accordance with the law, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is to sunset its management of the Cliffside Federal Helium System and report any excess helium and helium assets to GSA to follow the statutory disposal process. The upcoming sale will take place in late Summer 2022 with the bid opening expected in August.

“GSA’s Real Property Utilization and Disposal Division helps federal agencies dispose of assets that are no longer needed to support their agency’s mission,” said GSA Property Disposal Branch Chief William Rollings. “Collaborative interagency efforts like these support a more effective government allowing agencies to focus on their missions while GSA provides real estate expertise.”

Property Disposal Highlights:

  • Approximately 12 miles northwest of Amarillo in Potter County, Texas
  • More than 38,000 acres of mineral rights
  • 23 producing wells
  • 450 miles of pipeline that distributes helium from Texas to Kansas
  • An improved 10 acre parcel of land near Satanta, KS
  • Federal Helium System
  • Federally Owned Plant Equipment
  • Helium Storage Reservoir

Interested bidders should sign up to access the BLM and GSA Data Room which provides key information to support bidders’ due diligence efforts. The Data Room offers the new reservoir study, financial information, pipeline drawings, regulatory information, and more.

For more information, visit our website, Federal Helium System at Cliffside. The bid opening is expected in August 2022. Interested parties may contact William Rollings at to be placed on a bidders list.


About GSA: GSA provides centralized procurement and shared services for the federal government, managing a nationwide real estate portfolio of nearly 370 million rentable square feet, overseeing approximately $75 billion in annual contracts, and delivering technology services that serve millions of people across dozens of federal agencies. GSA’s mission is to deliver the best customer experience and value in real estate, acquisition, and technology services to the government and the American people. For more information, visit and follow us at @USGSA.