Building Better Requirements Together at FAST2022
Post filed in: Acquisition
‘Leading category management practitioners say that agencies could save billions of additional dollars if they focused more on how agencies define requirements,’ GAO-21-40.
Challenge accepted! Here at GSA, we’re focusing our efforts on helping agencies do just that. We seek to help our partners leverage the power of federal procurement.
Last month, we launched this year’s free virtual Federal Acquisition Service Training (FAST) conference series, which runs through July 2022 and focuses on saving agencies’ money.
Sessions also align with the Administration’s goals of creating a more equitable economy, with the end result of empowering our customers and industry partners to develop solutions that benefit all.
In February, we kicked off the series with human resource and acquisition professionals discussing human capital solutions for the future of government.
On March 16 at 1:00 p.m. EST, we’ll bring together government IT professionals, government acquisition professionals, and industry to focus on securing next-generation hybrid work environments.
Our conference series is one of GSA’s top training opportunities for our government and industry partners.
Sign up to attend this conference if you are a:
- Government program manager,
- Government contracting professional, or
- Industry partner (current and prospective sellers)
Each month’s conference in the series will deliver insights to help agencies define clear requirements so they get better mission outcomes. The sessions explore how agencies and industry can work together to:
- Define the business need,
- Understand the state of the market, and
- Write more effective work statements.
Conference events connect subject matter experts, showcase tools, and provide resources to support buyers and sellers.
Over the past few years, we’ve learned the vital importance of joining together to learn and collaborate. With many federal workers returning to on-site locations and the ever-present need for working together across government, these training sessions are relevant to both customer and industry partners.
Topics at this event will include:
- Consumption-based cloud computing,
- Scaling telework capabilities,
- Emerging technology for the hybrid work environment,
- Building a zero trust architecture, and
- Cybersecurity supply chain risk management.
Register now at gsa.gov/fast.
Remaining conferences include:
- April 20: Technical & Engineering Services
- May 18: Facilities Services
- July 20: Furniture & Furnishing Solutions
After registering for our monthly series, join me for our annual three-day conference “Data to Insights, Insights to Action, Action to Impact” on June 21-23, 2022. The conference covers cross-cutting governmentwide challenges and innovative solutions.
Stay up-to-date via our Twitter feed, the FAST Conference page, or by subscribing to our mailing list.
Looking forward to seeing you on March 16!