Podcasting? GSA Does That!
Post filed in: Green Proving Ground | Innovation | Small Business | Technology Transformation Services
GSA is a complex agency.
In its 74 years of doing business, GSA is often thought of as the federal government’s landlord, or the place where traveling government employees check how much hotel rooms cost.
But GSA is a heavy hitter in several major industries, such as real estate, finance, and tech. From leading the charge on electrifying government-owned vehicles (pun intended) to running a more than $29 billion charge card and payment program (the world’s largest government program of its type) to ensuring disadvantaged, small businesses have the tools to transact with federal agencies – GSA’s to-do list is mighty.
Now, two of its more than 12,000 employees are amplifying how impactful GSA is: one podcast at a time.
“GSA Does That!?” premiered May 30 and has three episodes under its belt. They’re available in GSA.gov’s newsroom, and listeners can follow and subscribe on all major podcasting platforms.
In the first episode, GSA Administrator Robin Carnahan and Presidential Innovation Fellows Executive Director Rebeca Lamadrid discussed with “GSA Does That!?” host Rob Trubia the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, which pairs technologists and innovators with federal agencies to tackle some of the country’s biggest challenges.
“Right now, technology allows so many interactions between the public and government that it just makes sense for us to be able to step in,” Carnahan said during episode one. “GSA’s job is to help deliver that service better and that means doing the technology better.”
The PIF program is a service within GSA’s Technology Transformation Services, GSA’s tech organization that designs and delivers a digital government. Although GSA oversees the PIF program, fellows work across several federal agencies.
The PIF application window was extended and now closes July 7.
Up next on GSA Does That!?
As GSA turns 74 on July 1, the agency has plenty of achievements it can look back on. But the “GSA Does That!?” podcast looks forward and shows what’s to come from GSA, particularly in the technology realm.

“GSA Does That!?” executive producer Max Stempora said future episodes will feature GSA employees who deliver for the American people every day while also hearing from outside voices who provide perspective on the agency’s work.
“We want to hear from the individuals making things happen — the individuals who can connect with the audience meaningfully,” said Stempora, “while also hearing from outside voices who provide important perspectives on this work.”
“We want to put a face and personality to the government,” Trubia added.
That’s exactly what episode two, titled “Technologists in Action,” accomplished. It featured a technology entrepreneur, a strategist, and a global health technologist, who are tackling some of the government’s toughest challenges.
The guests shared their stories and their journeys to the PIF program. They described projects they’ve contributed to — from artificial intelligence and data policy to biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine. One explained a development in knee replacement using a patient’s own cells.
Episode three looked in-depth at how small businesses can join the federal marketplace and what the government is looking for in an industry partner; what to expect when a new small business gets contracts; and, how to set expectations for new contractors.
Coming up, Trubia will interview folks about GSA’s Green Proving Ground, a testbed for sustainable technologies. That episode is scheduled to air July 11.
The secret sauce
Audio programs became popular on radio in the 1930s and 1940s. Portable audio players and the internet increased the popularity and accessibility of podcasts in the early 2000s.
“A few years ago, we had a podcast that set the stage for the launch of ‘GSA Does That!?,’” said Stempora. “That program - which focused mostly on acquisition - gave us the knowledge and skills to create a new podcast with a broader reach.”
Stempora and Trubia’s plan to stand out from the rest is simple — a technologically clean product; an engaging host; and compelling, conversational content.
“I know when I’m listening to a podcast in the car, I don’t have anything in particular I’m looking for. I just want to find something that’s well done,” said Trubia. “GSA’s filled with highly skilled professionals, and we want to do them right by making the most professional podcast production.”
Trubia himself is a key ingredient of the secret sauce to making the episodes compelling to the general public. He started mere weeks before recording the first episode, and his newcomer status adds authenticity to his inquisitiveness.
“I’m going to learn about GSA along with the listener,” he said. “We’re going to meet a lot of people who do a lot of interesting, innovative things.”
“As the podcast grows, I am hopeful the audience will weigh in and tell us what they want to hear,” added Stempora.
“GSA Does That!?” drops a new episode every two weeks.