GSA Blog

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  • GSA Employees Lauded for Modernizing Government Services

    | GSA Blog Team
    A focus on improving customer service is core to our operations. Just ask the 11 GSA employees who received 2019 Service to Citizen Awards.“Customer needs are factored into every business decision tha...
  • CX Day in Government: How GSA uses data to improve customer experience

    | GSA Office of Customer Experience
    A recent Customer Experience (CX) industry report illustrates a continued shift in what the public expects from its government. As more and more private sector companies are leveraging technology and...
  • GSA Fleet Offers Partner Agencies Cost Savings, New Technology & User-Friendly Tools

    | Bill Toth, Acting Assistant Commissioner, FAS Travel and Transportation Category and Director, Office of Fleet Management
    It’s important to take time every so often to reflect on the work we’re doing for our customers. In the first of two blogs, we told you how leasing through GSA Fleet enables customers to enjoy the lat...
  • CX Day in government: How we all shape the customer journey

    | Matthew Ford, Customer Experience program lead, GSA Office of Customer Experience
    During National Customer Service Week, it’s a great time for organizations across industry and government to celebrate putting customers first and think about what we can do to improve their end-to-en...
  • GSA builds strong customer relationships through the Federal Executive Board

    | Sylvia Hernandez, regional administrator, Greater Southwest Region
    Communication and coordination among federal agencies is essential in today’s ever changing world. That’s why Federal Executive Boards (FEB) are more relevant than ever and why I am honored to serve a...
  • Consider Special Needs, Make a Plan to Be Prepared for Emergencies

    | Patrice Brown, Emergency Management Specialist
    The likelihood that you and your family will recover from an emergency tomorrow often depends on the planning and preparation done today. While each family’s abilities and needs are unique, every individual can take steps to prepare for all kinds of...
  • Consider Special Needs, Make a Plan to Be Prepared for Emergencies

    | Patrice Brown, Emergency Management Specialist
    The likelihood that you and your family will recover from an emergency tomorrow often depends on the planning and preparation done today. While each family’s abilities and needs are unique, every individual can take steps to prepare for all kinds of...
  • Consider Special Needs, Make a Plan to Be Prepared for Emergencies

    | Patrice Brown, Emergency Management Specialist
    The likelihood that you and your family will recover from an emergency tomorrow often depends on the planning and preparation done today. While each family’s abilities and needs are unique, every individual can take steps to prepare for all kinds of...
  • Courts, GSA Collaborate to Improve Service, Cut Costs

    | GSA Blog Team
    Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally posted on the United States Court page here....
  • Courts, GSA Collaborate to Improve Service, Cut Costs

    | GSA Blog Team
    Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally posted on the United States Court page here....