Artificial Intelligence delivers real results through GSA
At GSA, we recognize Americans are using AI more than ever. Just as earlier technologies helped us evolve, we’re embracing the promise of AI tools in a way that meets the speed of need.
GSA Future Focus: Web Scraping
This is the first in a monthly series of posts from GSA’s Emerging Technology Office. We’ll explore emerging technologies, possible policy stances for the US Government, and seek input from other agen… -
GSA Turns 72
While July 1st always marks GSA’s birthday celebrations, this year is extra special because today we welcome our new administrator: Robin Carnahan. Welcome to the GSA family, Robin!Another passing yea… -
Strengthening our strategy for cyber threats within supply chains
We operate in a world of increased risk as agencies further rely on information and communications technology in purchasing a wide variety of products and services. We recognize that adversaries in th… -
Final call for entries: GSA achievement awards for innovation in personal property management
GSA recognizes achievement for innovation in personal property management. Do you have a project that might be eligible? The 2021 call for entries is currently underway and closes July 2.The Office of… -
eBuy platform turns 20! How it transformed GSA’s online contracting experience
This month, GSA celebrates eBuy’s 20th anniversary. eBuy is the agency’s comprehensive and paperless request-for-quote (RFQ) system. Verified suppliers can easily and efficiently connect and participa… -
GSA FedFleet Update: Get to know Charlotte Phelan of GSA’s Office of Travel, Transportation and Logistics
ICYMI: In Case You Missed It.
Last month, GSA released the FAS Focus podcast episode featuring Office of Travel, Transportation, and Logistics (TTL) Assistant Commissioner Charlotte Phelan.
Celebrating Juneteenth and Our Shared Story of Independence
As we excitedly plan to celebrate America’s birthday on July 4th, we are given a chance to reflect on the nation’s journey to independence. We can also explore what freedom truly means to different co… -
The Federal Acquisition Institute has a new look
GSA’s Office of Government-wide Policy has created a new logo for the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI). FAI recognized a need for a new logo that better reflects current changes, a new direction. T… -
Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Administrative Procedure Act
The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) of 1946 celebrates its 75th anniversary on June 11, 2021. When it was established, U.S. Senator Pat McCarron called the APA “a bill of rights for the hundreds of… -
New Season, New Successes for GSA/USPS USAccess Pilot Program!
Great news on our work with the United States Postal Service (USPS). All 120+ USAccess Agencies commissions and boards participated in the USAccess Pilot. We completed 11,265 appointments with a 91% c…