How to use the new MAS 8(a) Pool
Who: Federal agencies, state and local government entities, tribal and territorial governments.
What: Place Multiple Award Schedule sole source 8(a) orders up to $4.5 million, or up to $7 million for orders (with assigned manufacturing NAICS).1 8(a) competitive orders may be placed at any dollar value.
When: If a MAS contractor is in the new 8(a) Pool, they will be identified on e-Library with the indicator “8aS” or “8a.” 8aS indicates they are eligible for both sole source and competitive 8(a) awards. 8a indicates MAS contractors are eligible for competitive orders only.
Where: Find eligible MAS 8(a) contractors with either the 8aS or 8a indicator. Get help placing orders with our online buying tools.
Why: Increase 8(a) small business utilization. Find out about more benefits.
How: All contractors in the MAS 8(a) Pool have base schedule contracts that have been offered to and accepted by SBA at the MAS contract level. Ordering contracting officers can set aside awards to these contractors on a competitive or sole source basis. One benefit of the partnership agreement is that SBA has already approved COs to make competitive 8(a) buys below the competitive threshold. Order level offer and acceptance is not required for competitive awards. For sole source awards, you must complete order level offer and acceptance with SBA prior to award.
How to make a competitive award
Perform market research
Identify MAS 8(a) contractors that are suitable for the requirement.
Check eLibrary
Verify in eLibrary that:
- The 8(a) contractors are in the MAS 8(a) Pool and have either an 8aS or 8a indicator.
- They have the appropriate special item number for your request for quote.
Follow the ordering procedures
Complete the order in accordance with FAR 8.405-5 (a)(2)(i) and (ii). For single- or multiple-award blanket purchase agreements, follow procedures in FAR 8.405-3.
How to make a sole source award
Perform market research
Identify a MAS 8(a) contractor that is suitable for the requirement. You can follow this procedure for multiple-award BPAs.
Check eLibrary
Verify in eLibrary that:
- The 8(a) contractor is in the MAS 8(a) Pool and has an 8aS indicator.
- They have the appropriate special item number for your request for quote.
- Remember for sole source awards, you must complete offer and acceptance at the order level. Check the contractor’s 8(a) exit date, which is displayed in eLibrary, to ensure that the contractor will be an eligible 8(a) at the time of order award. At the time of order award, your contractor must be an active 8(a) program participant and must qualify as small for the size standard corresponding to the NAICS code.
Select the MAS 8(a) contractor
Make your selection in accordance with FAR 19.804-1.
Offer the contract to SBA
You can use our 8(a) sole source offer letter template. Offer the contract to SBA in accordance with FAR 19.804-2. Find your state and local SBA district office.
Wait for SBA decision
If SBA determines that the offered contract is eligible, they’ll accept it, as per FAR 19.804-3.
Blanket purchase agreements
Follow procedures in FAR 8.405-3.
If the single-award BPA was awarded competitively, and the BPA’s term does not extend past the firm’s date of acceptance into the 8(a) program plus five years, you do not have to get SBA acceptance.
If the BPA was accepted into the 8(a) Business Development Program, SBA will not accept a procurement for award as an 8(a) contract under certain circumstances identified at 13 CFR 124.504.
For a multiple-award BPA, follow the sole source procedure.
1 When the competitive threshold is exceeded, SBA may accept the requirement for a sole source 8(a) award on behalf of a concern owned by an Indian tribe or an Alaska Native Corporation, per FAR 19.805-1(b)(2).