Systems and policies
Accounting system
In an accounting system, ensure proper coding of OLMs as GSA items. Establish the capability to identify, track, and test order limit (33.33%) and OLMs over the Simplified Acquisition Threshold.
Periodically test report accuracy (pull sales reports and sample orders). Make sure to understand if manual efforts are necessary in developing sales reports. Ask:
- Are checks in place to flag irregularities?
- Can you segregate from and identify open market items?
Develop standard operating procedures
When developing standard operating procedures
- Describe identification of OLMs as GSA items and responsible parties
- Establish procedures for quote retrieval and records retention for those OLMs exceeding the Simplified Acquisition Threshold
- Ensure sales personnel and contract management personnel are following SOPs
- Periodically test SOPs and update where appropriate
- Identify OLMs on invoices (this is not a requirement, but a recommended practice)
- Define OLM categories on order (materials, equipment, labor)
- Remember: Track BPA orders to ensure compliance with the OLM order limit threshold
Contract management
When managing a contract, make sure to:
- Retain records (Quote Documentation)
- Perform market research and support CO price reasonableness requests
- Update Authorized FSS price list (no pricing required, simply list OLM SIN)
- Ensure OLMs are Trade Agreements Act compliant
- Ensure applicable standards at the Multiple Award Schedule level applies to OLMs
- Report OLM sales under the correct SIN
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