Eligible SINs for cooperative purchasing
State, local, and tribal governments as well as other eligible Multiple Award Schedule buyers can purchase IT, security, and law enforcement products and services under certain special item numbers. You can also look for the COOP icon in eLibrary and GSA Advantage.
Links on each SIN point to the corresponding eLibrary information.
Category | Subcategory | SIN | SIN title |
Category | Subcategory | SIN | SIN title |
Facilities | Facilities solutions | 334512 | Total solution support products for facilities management systems |
Facilities | Facilities solutions | 561210SB | Smart building systems integration |
Industrial products and services | Fire/rescue/safety/environmental protection equipment | 326220 | Hoses, valves, fittings, nozzles, couplings and related accessories |
Information technology | Electronic commerce | 54151ECOM | Electronic commerce and subscription services |
Information technology | IT hardware | 33411 | Purchasing of new electronic equipment |
Information technology | IT hardware | 532420L | Leasing of new electronic equipment |
Information technology | IT hardware | 811212 | Maintenance of equipment, repair services and/or repair/spare parts |
Information technology | IT services | 54151HACS | Highly adaptive cybersecurity services (HACS) |
Information technology | IT services | 54151HEAL | Health information technology services |
Information technology | IT services | 54151S | Information technology professional services |
Information technology | IT software | 511210 | Software licenses |
Information technology | IT software | 54151 | Software maintenance services |
Information technology | IT solutions | 518210C | Cloud computing and cloud related IT professional services |
Information technology | IT solutions | 518210FM | Financial management quality service management office (FM QSMO) core financial management (FM) solutions and IT professional services |
Information technology | IT solutions | 541370GEO | Earth observation solutions |
Information technology | IT solutions | 541519ICAM | Identity, credentialing and access management (ICAM) |
Information technology | IT solutions | 541519PIV | Homeland security presidential directive 12 product and service components |
Information technology | IT solutions | 541519PKI | Public key infrastructure (PKI) shared service providers (PKI SSP) program |
Information technology | IT solutions | 561422 | Public key infrastructure (PKI) shared service providers (PKI SSP) program |
Information technology | IT Training | 611420 | Information technology training |
Information technology | Telecommunications | 517312 | Wireless mobility solutions |
Information technology | Telecommunications | 517410 | Commercial satellite communications solutions (COMSATCOM) |
Miscellaneous | Apparel | 3152 | Clothing |
Miscellaneous | Apparel | 316210 | Footwear |
Miscellaneous | Apparel | 339113PA | Protective apparel |
Miscellaneous | Complementary SINs | ANCILLARY | Ancillary supplies and services |
Miscellaneous | Complementary SINs | NEW | Introduction of new supplies and services |
Miscellaneous | Complementary SINs | OLM | Order-level materials (OLM) |
Miscellaneous | Complementary SINs | 238910 | Installation and site preparation services |
Scientific management and solutions | Laboratory equipment | 334516 | Analytical instruments |
Scientific management and solutions | Medical equipment | 339112 | Breathing air equipment and related items |
Scientific management and solutions | Medical equipment | 339113R | Medical/rescue and patient transportation products |
Scientific management and solutions | Search and navigation | 334511 | Search, detection, navigation, guidance, aeronautical and nautical systems and instruments |
Security and protection | Marine and harbor | 561621H | Harbor/waterfront security products and services and professional marine security services |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 3FIRE | Fire management equipment |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 332216 | Law enforcement, firefighting and rescue tools, equipment and accessories |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 332312F | Flood control |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 332994 | Burning equipment |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 332999 | Law enforcement personal equipment |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 333314NV | Night vision equipment |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 334220 | Surveillance systems, wearable body cameras, and vehicular video |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 334519 | Bomb and hazardous material disposal; metal and bomb detection |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 336320 | Vehicle signal and restraint system |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 336413 | Aircraft armoring and helicopter equipment |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 336992 | Non-tactical armored vehicles and vehicle armoring services |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 337215 | Firearm care |
Security and protection | Protective equipment | 339920 | Target systems/target range accessories |
Security and protection | Security animals and related services | 812910 | Canine training, handling, and caging products and services |
Security and protection | Security services | 541330L | Security system integration, design, management, and life cycle support |
Security and protection | Security services | 541330SEC | Security system integration, design, management, and life cycle support |
Security and protection | Security services | 541990L | Professional law enforcement services |
Security and protection | Security services | 561612 | Protective service occupations |
Security and protection | Security services | 611430ST | Security training |
Security and protection | Security systems | 334290 | Security and detection systems |
Security and protection | Security systems | 334290L | Physical access control systems (PACS) - legacy SIN |
Security and protection | Security systems | 334290PACS | Physical access control systems (PACS) - FIPS 201 |
Security and protection | Testing equipment | 325412 | Criminal investigative equipment and supplies |
Security and protection | Testing equipment | 339999E | Evidence collection and investigative equipment and supplies |
Transportation and logistics services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 336611 | Marine craft repairing |
Transportation and logistics services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 336612 | Marine craft |
Transportation and logistics services | Motor vehicles (non-combat) | 336991 | Wheel and track vehicles |
Showing 1 to 61 of 61 entries