Partner with other MAS contractors
Two or more Multiple Award Schedule contractors can partner to combine capabilities to effectively fulfill larger, more complex requirements on a single requirement. These are called MAS Contractor Team Arrangements. (Reference clause I-FSS-40 Contractor team arrangements[PDF, 2KB]. MAS CTAs may be proposed in response to any opportunity under the MAS program unless specifically prohibited by the government buyer.
Note: FAR subpart 9.6, Contractor Team Arrangements, does not apply to MAS CTA Agreements.
Benefits of MAS CTAs
With MAS CTAs, you can:
- Compete for MAS orders or Blanket Purchase Agreements that you otherwise wouldn’t qualify for.
- Increase your market share and become more competitive.
- Reduce your risk and share responsibilities.
- Focus on supplies and services that best match your resources and strengths.
- Be more successful as a small business.
MAS CTA agreement
CTA team members draft a document that serves as the written agreement detailing the responsibilities of each team member.
There are two types of MAS CTA agreements:
- MAS order-level CTA agreement: These types of MAS CTA agreements are specific to a particular order/BPA and are established to fulfill the requirements outlined in that order/blanked purchase agreement. These agreements are the most common type traditionally used in the MAS program.
- MAS contract-level CTA agreement: These MAS CTA agreements are incorporated at the MAS contract-level and are not specific to a particular order/blanked purchase agreement. They are established based on anticipated partnering necessary to fulfill recurring requirements. Since these agreements are established at the MAS Contract-Level, they will remain valid for the duration of the agreement.
- Note: Supplemental order-level MAS CTA Agreements are also permitted in conjunction with MAS contract-level CTA agreements, as necessary, based on specific order-level requirements.
MAS CTA roles
MAS CTA lead: The MAS contractor who has been designated as the lead to offer a portion of the solution with responsibilities outlined in the MAS CTA agreement.
MAS CTA member: The MAS contractor(s) offering a portion of the solution with responsibilities outlined in the MAS CTA agreement.
MAS CTA agreement template
We have provided this MAS CTA agreement template [DOCX - 1 MB] as a sample. You are free to revise the language, but should address the minimum recommended elements outlined below:
- Identification of all parties: List all participating MAS contractors, including their names, addresses, MAS contract numbers, and contact information.
- Note: Ordering activities should reference all members of the team in the award documentation.
- MAS CTA lead: Identify which MAS contractor will be the MAS CTA lead, their corresponding MAS contract number and the tasks they will perform. List potential reasons the team lead may change and how that process will work.
- MAS CTA member(s): Identify all the MAS CTA members, their corresponding MAS contract numbers and the tasks they will perform. Address any limitations of MAS CTA members’ responsibilities.
- Specific team responsibilities: State the various tasks that will be incorporated into the MAS CTA and identify which party (MAS CTA lead and member(s)) is primarily responsible for each identified task, to include delivery of specific items. This element should document each party’s (MAS CTA lead and member(s)) responsibilities and performance requirements so that liability is clearly established.
- Duration of the agreement: Define the duration of the MAS CTA, identify any subsequent options, and describe how each option will work.
- Ordering procedures: Document how the team will handle processing orders from the government.
- Invoicing and payments: Identify which MAS contractor is responsible for invoicing and receiving the agreed-on method of payment. Include the team’s intention to resolve any dispute involving the distribution of payments among all parties without any government involvement.
- Note: As a best practice the MAS CTA lead is typically responsible for invoicing and coordinating payment.
- Legal relationship: Document that parties will remain independent contractors and not create a joint venture or separate subsidiary. Further explain that the MAS CTA lead and each member(s) will operate as a prime contractor for the portion of work they perform and be responsible for their own employees.
- Confidential information: Identify any proprietary information and specify how such proprietary information and related rights will be managed.
- Conflicting terms: The agreement should state that the outlined terms must not conflict with the terms and conditions of each parties MAS contract. If there is a conflict, the MAS contract takes precedence.
- Replacement of team members: Include a statement that MAS CTA leads and member(s) will get approval from the government buyer before replacing any party after receipt of an order.
- Reporting of sales and industrial funding fee payment: Specify that each party (MAS CTA Lead and Member(s)) is responsible for tracking and reporting its own sales according to the terms and conditions of the MAS contract and for paying the related Industrial Funding Fee.
- Pricing: State that all prices charged to the ordering activity must be at or below the applicable MAS contract prices. Specify the products/services and unit prices or hourly rates.
- Incentives or fees: Explain how you will divide any incentives or fees within the team, if applicable.
- Note: Any incentives or administrative fees shall not be reported as MAS sales/Industrial Funding Fee-eligible.
- Signatures: All participating MAS contractors must sign the document.
Process for MAS order-level CTA agreement
- Multiple MAS contractors partner for a given requirement and establish MAS CTA agreements
- Note: Unless stated otherwise by the ordering activity, you may propose a MAS CTA agreement to provide an ordering activity with a total solution.
- MAS CTA agreements are submitted in response to the requirement
- Note: Government buyers do not approve the agreements, but the elements outlined in the sample MAS CTA Agreement Template [DOCX - 1 MB] are what government buyers typically want to know.
Process for MAS contract-level CTA agreement
- Multiple MAS contractors partner based on anticipated requirements and establish a team with MAS CTA agreements to fulfill those requirements
- The MAS CTA agreements for the established team are submitted to the MAS contracting officer to be incorporated into the MAS contract of the MAS CTA lead
- After the MAS CTA agreement is incorporated into the contract, the ordering activity can now place an order or issue a BPA utilizing the established team
- Note: If necessary, supplemental order-level MAS CTA agreements may be established by following the steps outlined above.
Small business set-asides
If you are competing for a requirement set aside for small businesses, the MAS CTA lead and all MAS CTA members must meet the specified socioeconomic status and the limitations on subcontracting as specified in FAR 52.219-14.
FPDS reporting for MAS CTA agreements
The Federal Procurement Data System currently only accepts information relating to one contractor per order/blanket purchase agreement. Therefore, the ordering agency must determine which party (MAS CTA lead or member) is realizing the preponderance of the revenue and report that contractor’s information to the Federal Procurement Data System.
Although only a single vendor can be listed in FPDS, award documentation should reference all members of the team as listed in the Identification of all Parties.
CPARS reporting for MAS CTA agreements
When evaluating MAS CTA agreements the ordering activity is only required to evaluate the party (MAS CTA lead or member) with a preponderance of the revenue.
The evaluation entered should cover only the requirements that fall within the specific responsibilities of the evaluated party.
For more information, please refer to CPARS guidance provided on
Note: The ordering agency may choose to evaluate other parties within the team; however, only the party entered in the Federal Procurement Data System will automatically populate in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System. Other parties may be manually entered to be evaluated in CPARS.
For any CTA questions, reach out to the MAS Program at