Each agency in the Executive Branch of the Federal government has established programs to facilitate the hiring, placement, and advancement of individuals with disabilities. Self-identification of disability status is essential for effective data collection and analysis of the Federal government’s efforts. While self-identification is voluntary, your cooperation in providing accurate information is critical to these efforts. Every precaution is taken to ensure that the information provided by each employee is kept in the strictest confidence.
Please refer to the SF-256, Self-Identification of Disability [PDF], when updating your disability status in HR links.
From the HR Links homepage, select the View/Update Personal Info tile.
Select Self Identification of Disability at the bottom of the page.
Your current disability status is shown at the top of the screen. To update your disability status, select Edit.
Continue to Personal Information returns you to your Personal Information page.
Answer the question, “Do you have a disability” by selecting Yes, No, or Prefer not to say.
Select View All Disabilities to see a lit of disabilities and serious health conditions or start typing into the search bar.
Find the relevant targeted disability or serious health condition and select the correct code. Select Close.
Click Submit.
Your disability status change is now self-approved. Click Ok.