Responsibilities for Implementation of Facility Security Assessment Countermeasures

Number: 1000.3 OMA CHGE 1
Status: Active
Signature Date: 01/18/2018
Expiration Date: 08/29/2025


            Washington, DC 20405



OMA 1000.3 CHGE 1

January 18, 2018




 SUBJECT:  Responsibilities for Implementation of Facility Security Assessment


1.  Purpose.  This Order changes the responsibilities of the Public Buildings Service (PBS) and the Office of Mission Assurance (OMA) in relation to the use of Facility Security Assessment (FSA) information in the implementation of Facility Security Committee (FSC) countermeasure decisions in the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) controlled facilities (see paragraph 5). 

2.  Background.  The Interagency Security Committee (ISC) Risk Management Process outlines the responsibilities of the FSC chair, the owning/leasing authority, and the security organization [in most cases the Department of Homeland Security - Federal Protective Service (FPS)].  In GSA-controlled facilities, GSA is the owning/leasing authority responsible for coordination with the FSC chairperson and the security organization to develop the Facility Security Level (FSL), attend FSC meetings, provide technical guidance, and assist with vendor access to the facility.

3.  Responsibilities.   As the owner/leasing authority, GSA has facility security responsibilities.  The PBS Commissioner and the OMA Associate Administrator will determine the proper individuals to complete the task.  These responsibilities are listed by Service or Staff Office below:

     a.  PBS must:

          (1)  Provide facility information to assist the security organization with the initial FSL and the FSA;

          (2)  Review the FSA for operational impacts and recommended countermeasures;

Note:  When GSA is responsible for a proposed countermeasure that does not reach the prospectus threshold, PBS is responsible for implementing countermeasures that are approved by the FSC depending on available funds.  When GSA is responsible for a prospectus level countermeasure, PBS is the lead (see Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration, June 2006) for this work.  In leased facilities, PBS will be the liaison between the security organization and the lessor to coordinate any implementation of recommended countermeasures.  Funding for any such work shall be provided by GSA, the members of the individual FSC, or other entity as appropriate.

          (3)  Require training for facility managers on the use of FSA reports;

          (4)  Meet with the FSC Chairperson, the security organization, and OMA to review FSAs prior to presentation of findings and recommendations to the FSC;

          (5)  Coordinate with the FSC Chairperson, the security organization, and OMA during the development of the Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP) (ADM  2470.2);

          (6)  Support facility tenant training and exercises related to Active Shooter, OEP, Insider Threat, evacuation, and all other exercises as appropriate for that facility;

          (7)  Attend FSC meetings;

                (a)  Serve as a voting member of the FSC in a facility where GSA is a tenant.

                (b)  Assist with vendor physical access.

                (c)  Obtain a Homeland Security Information Network account and complete ISC designated training on the risk management process [].

          (8)  Monitor and track countermeasures recommended in FSA reports in conjunction with OMA; and

          (9)  Follow-up with FPS, in coordination with OMA, when reports are not received. 

    b.   OMA must:

          (1)  Act as a technical resource for PBS on FSA countermeasures and FSL questions;

          (2)  Assist PBS during the planning phase of facility projects that will impact facility security;

          (3)  Assist PBS with any technical development of the OEP, as requested;

          (4)  Attend FSC meetings with PBS facility management;

          (5)  Review the FSA provided to PBS for countermeasure recommendations and coordinate with PBS, the FSC, and the security organization on implementation;

          (6)  Coordinate crime prevention and security awareness training offered by the security organization;

          (7)  Record any GSA-responsible countermeasures that are declined by the FSC and report back to PBS;

          (8)  Obtain a Homeland Security Information Network account and complete ISC designated training for FSC participation [] for OMA Deputy Regional Directors and Security Specialists.

          (9)  Provide an electronic copy of all completed FSA’s to PBS;

          (10)  Account for all scheduled FSA’s and follow up with FPS in the event an electronic or hardcopy has not been provided; and

          (11)  Monitor and track countermeasures, in conjunction with PBS, recommended in FSA reports.

4.  Authorities. The GSA policy for FSA handling and storage can be found in GSA Order, OMA 1000.1 CHGE 1 Document Security for Handling Facility Security Assessments.

5.  Explanation of change paragraph.  The following changes have been made to the Change Order:

     a.  Paragraph 3a. (2) Note changed original paragraph to “When GSA is responsible for a proposed countermeasure that does not reach the prospectus threshold, PBS is responsible for implementing countermeasures that are approved by the FSC depending on available funds.  When GSA is responsible for a prospectus level countermeasure, PBS is the lead (see Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Homeland Security and the General Services Administration, June 2006) for this work.  In leased facilities, PBS will be the liaison between the security organization and the lessor to coordinate any implementation of recommended countermeasures.  Funding for any such work shall be provided by GSA, the members of the individual FSC, or other entity as appropriate.”

     b.  Paragraph 3a. (3) added additional paragraph “Require training for facility managers on the use of FSA reports.”

     c.  Paragraph 3a. (4) addedMeet with the FSC Chairperson, the security organization, and OMA to review FSAs prior to presentation of findings and recommendations to the FSC.”

     d.  Paragraph 3a. (5) changed “Chair” to “Chairperson”

     e.  Paragraph 3a. (7c) deleted sentence.

     f.  Paragraph 3a. (8) added “Monitor and track countermeasures recommended in FSA reports in conjunction with OMA.”

     g.  Paragraph 3a. (9) added “Follow up with FPS, in coordination with OMA, when reports are not received.”

     h.  Paragraph 3b.  (1) changed “Act as a technical resource for PBS on FSA countermeasures and FSL questions.”

     i.  Paragraph  3b.  (4) added “Attend FSC meeting with PBS facility management.”

     j.  Paragraph 3b. (7) changed to “Record any GSA-responsible countermeasures that are declined by the FSC and report back to PBS.”

     k.  Paragraph 3b. (8) added “Obtain a Homeland Security Information Network account and complete ISC designated training for FSC participation [] for OMA Deputy Regional Directors and Security Specialists.”

     l.  Paragraph 3b. (9) added “Provide an electronic copy of all completed FSA’s to PBS.”

     m.  Paragraph 3b. (10) added “Account for all scheduled FSA’s and follow up with FPS in the event an electronic or hardcopy has not been provided.”

     n.  Paragraph 3b. (11) added “Monitor and track countermeasures, in conjunction with PBS, recommended in FSA reports.”

6.  Signatures.



/S/____________________                      /S/___________________

ROBERT J. CARTER                               DANIEL W. MATTHEWS

Associate Administrator                            Commissioner

Office of Mission Assurance                     Public Buildings Service