Order of Succession - Office of the General Counsel


This Order establishes the order of succession for the Office of the General  Counsel, General Services Administration. 


This Order cancels GSA Order OGC 1080.2A

Summary of Changes:

This Order specifies those officials designated to act during the  absence or incapacity of the General Counsel. 

General Counsel:

The following officials are designated to serve as Acting General  Counsel, in the following order of succession, during the absence or incapacity of the  General Counsel. Each designee shall act with the full authority and responsibility of the  General Counsel and shall occupy the Office of the General Counsel. In the event that  the official designated is not available, the next designated official will act. 

(1) Deputy General Counsel, Political (L) 

(2) Deputy General Counsel, Career (L)

(3) Associate General Counsel for General Law (LG) 

(4) Associate General Counsel for Personal Property (LP) 

(5) Associate General Counsel for Real Property (LR) 

(6) Associate General Counsel for Ethics (LE) 

(7) Associate General Counsel for Technology (LT)

(8) Regional Counsels in order of seniority based on tenure as GSA attorneys

With the exception of the position of Deputy General Counsel, Career, this order of succession applies to the permanent incumbent of each position rather than to anyone who may be temporarily occupying a position. With regard to anyone serving as Acting Deputy General Counsel, Career, Section 3.(2) of this Order applies and authorizes that acting official to assume the position of Acting General Counsel.

Exercise of Authority:

An official serving as Acting General Counsel shall, in that  capacity, exercise all of the authorities and perform all the functions of the Office of the  General Counsel.