Internal GSA AB Codes and Space Assignment Method

Number: 4240.2A OAS
Status: Active
Signature Date: 03/13/2024
Expiration Date: 03/13/2027


To ensure that Agency Bureau (AB) codes and space assignment methods reflect and support current consolidation and sharing of space efforts across General Services Administration (GSA) organizations nationwide.


GSA is leading government-wide efforts to transform workplace design and services through improved space utilization, reduced cost, and superior value.


This directive applies to all GSA organizations that occupy Government-owned or leased space with the following exceptions:

  1. The Office of Inspector General (OIG), given its independence under the Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 (5 U.S.C. §§ 401-424).
  2. The Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, due to its independent authorities.
  3. Outleases and licenses.
  4. Presidential space.


This Order supersedes OAS 4240.2, Internal GSA Agency Bureau Code and Space Assignment Method.

Summary of Changes

This Order updates:

  1. GSA AB code assignments;
  2. Office of Administrative Services’ (OAS) review of GSA Office Occupancy Agreements; and
  3. Rent bill allocation methodology for GSA occupied space.

Roles and Responsibilities

OAS’ Office of Workplace Management and Services manages GSA internal workspace. This directive provides policy implementation guidelines for applicable GSA organizations.