1. Purpose
This Order provides procedures for employees submitting claims for loss of or damage to personal property incident to their service with GSA.
2. Cancellation
ADM 6200.3A is canceled.
3. Background
GSA is providing procedures to be followed in submitting and processing claims under 31 U.S.C. §§ 3701 and 3721.
4. Nature of Revision
This directive is revised to update and clarify the procedures regarding claims for loss of or damage to personal property incident to GSA service.
5. Applicability
a. This Order applies to claims filed by or on behalf of GSA employees for loss of or damage to personal property in connection with service to GSA. The maximum amount that may be paid for any loss or damage arising out of a single incident is $40,000. For claims arising from an emergency evacuation or from extraordinary circumstances, the maximum amount of recovery is $100,000.
b. Claims covered by the Federal Tort Claims Act are not covered by this Order.
6. Forms
This Order provides for the use of GSA Form 2116, Employee Claim for Loss or Damage to Personal Property.