1. Purpose
The purpose of this Order is to provide guidance on the responsibilities and annual reporting required regarding the giving of gifts to foreign individuals and receipt of gifts and decorations from foreign governments.
2. Cancellation
OAS 7880.1B is canceled.
3. Background
a. The Chief Administrative Services Officer (CASO), has been delegated the responsibility to serve as the GSA Foreign Gifts Officer.
b. 5 USC 7342 requires the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to report annually to the U.S. Department of State details regarding the receipt of foreign gifts and decorations. Further, 22 USC 2694 requires annual reporting to the State Department of details regarding gifts of more than minimal value given to foreign individuals.
c. 5 USC 7342 requires the Administrator of General Services in consultation with the Secretary of State, to recalculate “minimal value” every three years.
4. Applicability
This Order applies to all GSA employees, including experts or consultants, and their spouses (unless separated) and their dependents, who are presented gifts or decorations by a foreign government or who tender gifts to foreign individuals.