Regional Delegation of Authority (Region 7)

        Greater Southwest Region
           Fort Worth, TX 76102


7PBS 5450.1
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SUBJECT:  Regional Delegation of Authority (Region 7) (Full PDF Format)

1.  Purpose.  To grant delegation of authority from the Region 7 Regional Commissioner (RC) to the Region 7 Division Directors or a designee, to allow for continued regional operations at the division level, subject to the existing limitations of the current GSA Delegations of Authority Manual PBS 5450.1, dated March 4, 2015.

2.  Cancellation.  None.

3.  Background. The GSA Delegations of Authority Manual was revised to re-delegate certain authorities previously contained in ADM P 5450.39D (November 16, 2011), that were delegated by the Administrator to the Commissioner of the Public Buildings Service (PBS).  The Order also reflects reporting changes and authorities contained in ADM O 5440.669 (April 24, 2014), that changed the reporting and responsibility for delegating appropriate program, technical, and human capital authorities of the PBS Regional Commissioners from the Regional Administrators to the PBS Deputy Commissioner. Regional Delegations are being updated to reflect these changes.

4.  Delegation of authority.  Effective immediately, I hereby delegate the authorities identified below to Region 7 Divisions to allow for continued business activities that have been delegated to the RC, as specified in the Memorandum, Delegation of Authority, dated March 4, 2015, subject to the limitations below.

SUBJECT:  Regional Delegation of Authority (Region 7) (Full PDF Format)