Acquiring Excess Personal Property (2/27/25, 11 AM ET)
GSA Personal Property Management is hosting a series of virtual training sessions on various aspects of the program. The topic of this free virtual training will be Acquiring Excess Personal Property directly from Federal Management Regulation (FMR) 102.36.
This training will provide information on who can acquire excess personal property, whether payment is required, and how to acquire the property via a live demonstration. Additionally, the session will cover how to implement the Want List feature to receive notifications when property is reported in
Note: You will learn how to create your own Want List request in to receive notifications of property you are interested in.
This free virtual training will be held on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 11:00 AM (EST).
Upon completion, participants will earn one Continuous Learning Point credit.
Customers can look for different virtual training sessions from week to week on GSA Events.
If you have any questions, email or
call 215-446-5849.
Thank you, and we look forward to your attendance.