GSA's Sustainable Acquisition Solutions - June 15, 2023

Mark your calendar right now to attend the monthly GSA Greater Southwest Region Training Seminar. This free training provides information on sustainable GSA acquisition solutions, programs, and resources.

Topics include:

- Sustainable purchasing using GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule program. A deeper look at the Professional Services Categories and OASIS, as well as a comparison of the two for determining the best fit for your requirement. Also included are market research tools, Ordering Guides, how to navigate Scope Reviews and upcoming additions over the next year.

- Sustainable procurement simplified. Plant the seed for a green procurement with the Sustainable Facilities Tool (SF Tool). Learn where to find the rules for Federal sustainable procurement, and also the products and services that satisfy those rules.

- Environmental and other professional services available through GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule and OASIS. Whether it’s environmental consulting, GIS mapping, cultural resource surveys, or environmental restoration, these services and so much more are available through GSA’s government wide contract solutions.

This training is organized and presented by the GSA Region 7 Customer and Stakeholder Engagement Division. Find your local Customer Service Director at

DATE: June 15, 2023

TIME: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT

LOCATION: Virtual/Online

AGENDA (all times Central Daylight Time)

9:00 – 10:00 AM Sustainable Procurement Simplified with SF Tool (1 CLP)

10:00 – 11:00 AM Sourcing Sustainable Products with the Green Procurement Compilation (GPC) (1 CLP)

11:00 – 11:15 AM Break

11:15 – 12:00 Professional Service Solutions including environmental consulting, engineering and technical services (1.5 CLP)

NOTE: Each session will end with a brief Q&A opportunity

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